Sunday, July 7, 2013

"A Weekend In The Country........It Might Be Instructive To Observe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                  What a day we had yesterday, darlings!  This was the Saturday we decided to go out and see our friends, Linda and Marilyn, to give them Marilyn's birthday gift!  There is this lovely restaurant, just across the street from the train station, called Arthur's, which is actually a steak house!  For an adventure, and a superb culinary excursion, taking the train to Morris Plains, and dashing cross the street to Arthur's is one of the easiest dining ventures yet!  Just hope you don't have the rides we had, yesterday!

                                   Because, both coming and going girls, we had The Train Ride From Hell!!!!!!!!!!

                                    The Hell just came in different forms!  Going out, the train was older, but the problem was the cooling system wasn't what it should be, plus, either something was wrong along the train line, or the driver was doing this for the first time, because every time the train pulled in and out of the towns, it jerked so furiously I was almost knocked out of my seat.  Not to mention that, boarding in Manhattan was a pain, because we just stood there, sweating, and the damn door did not open!  Not until yours truly    screamed, "Open the fucking door!!!!!!!!!!!!!" did anything happen.   Sometimes, it pays to be a bitch, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Coming back to the city, we were on a Double Decker, upstairs, cooler than before--though not cool enough for my Monsieur--only, this time the car was infiltrated by these overage frat types, who got on board from one of these enclaves along the way!!!!  You know, corporate honchos in their thirties, and their wives, who regarded the car as their own private party space, and to hell with everyone else,  and who, once they settled in, began taking out bottles of beer and alcoholic coolers, and just drank their way into New York City, laughing and whooping it up so that who cares if anyone else got an rest or relaxation?????  Fuck them!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     What ever happened to the elegance of train travel, as depicted in "Strangers On A Train, " or "Leave Her To Heaven," I would like to know!!!!!!!!!!!!   And, since when is drinking allowed in a regular train car??????  When the ticket taker came to take tickets, I was sure he was going to read these rubes the riot act!  But, he acted like he did not notice, or care!  Pig!!!!!!!!!!

                                        It's a good thing these jerks said nothing to me, because let me tell you, lambs, when the heat goes up, so does my Bitch-O-Meter!  By one o'clock yesterday afternoon, with the heat practically stifling my breath, I felt like a fucking bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         At least Arthur's was cool and soothing!  And the atmosphere!  Very honky tonk, and fun!!!!!!!!!  My steak was one of the best I have ever had, but watch out for that red thing they give you; that is not a grilled tomato, darlings, but a hot pepper!!!!!!!!!!!!  Linda's Philly Cheese Steak looked luscious, as did Monsieur's salmon and Marilyn's chicken wrap!  But, darlings, if you are going to a reputed steak house, then why not have the steak????????????????

                                          Afterwards, we went back to Linda and Marilyn's apartment, which may be the last time we see it, as next month they are moving to more deluxe accommodations!!!!!!!!!!  We were so busy discussing that, we did not get a chance to tell them about how their daughter, Haley, and her husband, Jay, are going to be honored next summer,by hosting our wedding in their back yard, with the likes of  Meryl Streep, Anna Wintour, and Garace Coddington traipsing about!!!!!!!!  The coffee and desert were superb, though Monsieur agreed with me, it could be a bit cooler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            I urge you to go to Arthur's, and hope your train rides are more pleasant than ours were yesterday.  Though I have to admit, this is the first time there has been a problem.

                                             But I have to tell  you, it was not so scary as BARBRA'S recent vacation photos!!!!!!!!  Have you seen them, darlings????????????  Truly frightening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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