Monday, July 22, 2013

Girls, Without Question, This Could Be The Sleeper Of The Summer!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               I have not seen "Sharknado" in its entirety, yet, darlings, but what I have seen, I can tell you, merits a look!  You have GOT to see this preposterous piece of crap, featuring the veteran, respected John Heard, who must have done this role because his creditors, or drug dealer, or whomever he was in debt to, were furiously knocking on his door!!!!!!!!  Why else do garbage like this?????

                                                  But, who am I to talk? Remember Betsy Palmer, and "Friday The 13th??????" The rest is history, from that one, and the same might eventually be said of "Sharknado."

                                                    What I think it is trying to do is surpass the idiocy of "Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes," and "Night Of The Lepus."  I am sorry, but I just have a soft spot in my heart for those gigantic bunnies.

                                                       But when a tornado, or hurricane or tsunami, or whatever it is, rushes through town, and sharks drop from the sky in multitude, like the plague of locusts from "The Good Earth," get ready for some laughs.  The sharks devour everyone in sight, and they all deserve it, anyway, because they are all such rotten actors, working from a rotten script.

                                                           The sky dropping sharks, the rolling Ferris Wheel crashing into and demolishing a building, and the guy being swallowed whole and then chainsawing his way of out of the shark's abdomen,  are the visual highlights.  And they have got to be seen, to be believed.

                                                              Dolls, I just found out about it this weekend, so I wanted to get it to you, as soon as possible.  I will try to include a little teaser, but the rest you have got to see for yourselves!!!!!!!!!

                                                               And the sharks in this movie, lambs, outnumber those in "West Side Story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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