Saturday, July 6, 2013

Smack That Diana Ross Across Her Face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              "Call her Miss Ross???? Miss Ross, my ass!!!!!!"
                                                     --Mary Wilson

Mary call it right, girls, I am telling you.  When I saw Bette Midler play Sue Mengers, and heard that tired old story about Diana giving blow jobs in the back seat to Berry Giordy, my bile just rose in my mouth, like a bad case of acid reflux.  Diana has been cheating her whole life, and getting away with it,
and I am here to tell you, it has got to stop!  Somewhere, there has to be accountability.  Even if it isn't at
my workplace!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Miss Ross is no better than the trash she left behind in the Projects in Detroit. I say, send her right back there, just like she did with Florence Ballard.

                                         Listen, Diana, I am better than YOU!  And I can do that whole "Love Child" thing just as good as you!!!!!!!!!  "Touch Me In The Morning?" Piece of cake!  How many have you touched anytime, Diana???????  Even the janitors at Motown, whose cocks you also sucked to get ahead!!!!!!!!!!!  What a mouth on her, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Whenever Diana goes to her Heavenly (????) reward, I hope I am here to see it!  Because on the other side, Florence Ballard is waiting for her, to spend Eternity giving her the slap across the face that she should have gotten on Earth.!!!!!!!  Hope it is done to "Love Child!:"

                                             Before Reese Witherspoon tried to claim Celebrity Entitlement for herself, there was Diana Ross (who, unlike Reese, DOES have some talent, though not like Florence).  She should have been solo, and Diana should have been the background slut she truly is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But what goes around, comes around, and even if it takes the Afterlife, Florence will give it to Diana!!!!!!!!!!

                                               How about that incident at Heathrow Airport?  "Do you know who I
am?" she screams at officials!  Oh, yeah, Diana, we know who you are!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                You are a fucking bitch, who needs to be  held accountable!

                                                  Think it o-o-o-over, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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