Thursday, July 18, 2013

We Need A Fun Bitch This Week, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  If you are like me, darlings, after five solid days of this heat, and still no end in sight, your energy is frayed.  So, when it came time for Bitch Of The Week today, I decided, a little fun was in order.

                                                  I am delighted to announce the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award as--Nellie Oleson, immortalized by actress Alison Arngrim, on the series classic, "Little House On The Prairie."

                                                   Nellie was in the Laura Ingalls Wilder books, but in not so prominent a role.  Her prominence on the show was due to Alison's spirited portrayal of her, which was a taller, slightly older child version, of someone channeling Patty McCormack as Rhoda Penmark in "The Bad Seed."  There was even, for Alison, then, a slight resemblance to Patty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    But, girls, let's be honest--who among us watched 'Little House' each week, to see what Nasty Nellie was up to next???????????  Don't all raise your hands at once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Nellie made the show, although the episode where she made fun of the crippled child was too much for me!  I wanted to smack her, then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        But, most of the time, she was fun to watch, and fun to see her get a comeuppance, because she was the universal embodiment of whatever nemeses we dealt with in our lives. For me, she represented a gallery of them, most especially--yes, again, darlings!!!!!!!--the Dykemans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I remember an episode of "The Waltons," where Ronnie Claire Edwards, brilliant as Corabeth Godsey, had done something, one of the kids was upset, and Michael Learned, in all her Olivia Walton wisdom, told that child, "Wherever you go in life, there is always going to be a Corabeth Godsey."   Lambs, I can tell you, personally, she was right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Who knows, Corabeth may be on here some week!

                                                         To cool us down, make us laugh, I present this week one of fiction's most lovable bitches--Nellie Oleson.  Even Alison Arngrim (who grew up to be a caring person, and animal activist) had a sense of humor about the character; even spoofing it in a one-woman show of her own called "Confessions Of A Prairie Bitch."

                                                           So, here is to Nellie Oleson!!!!!!!!!!!!  You fabulous bitch!!!!!!!!!!
We love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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