Monday, July 1, 2013

Welcome To July, Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             I wish I was able to pipe audio into this blog post, darlings, because if I could, I would have pipe in the Intro to "Stars And Stripes Forever!"  But I cannot, alas, so all I can do is welcome you to what is often the most fun filled month of the year.

                               For starters, school is out, Summer is in full gear, and everyone is outside.  For another, this makes for a short work week, what with the Fourth coming right in the  middle.  Many take long weekends, or, like Monsieur and I, we are taking the day after Pride off, so, with the weekend and the Fourth, I am only working three days this week!!!!!!!!!!  Which is enough for me, I can tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Picnic, barbecues, beaches, it all adds up to July!  Maybe some Friday night fireworks at Coney, and the always unexpected and  hilarious social incidents that come with being the Raving Queen.
So stay tuned, and welcome to July, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Just call it macaroni, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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