Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What Is A Migraine, Darlings?????????????????

                                          First of all, a migraine is the TRUE definition of the phrase, "Not tonight, dear, I have a headache."  More importantly, girls, it is the reason I have not been on here for some time.

                                            Due to a combination of many factors--emotional disequilibrium, genetics, and allergens, I have been subjected to migraines since childhood, although they have increased since I reached adulthood.  There was a period 30 years ago, in the early Eighties, when I was getting them so frequently, a doctor put me on something that is no longer on the market, called Fiornal.  I had to stop taking it, because the drug had an unusual effect on me.  It made me drowsy, which, I suppose, is what a relaxant is supposed to do, but, unique to me, it also made me tremendously horny!  Now, go back and read the first line of this post.  A migraine is no time for ANYONE to be feeling horny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              I think I inherited these from my paternal grandmother.  She would get these excruciating headaches at night; so bad, they would keep her up, and she would have to have cold compresses applied to her head.  I doubt anyone at the time realized these were migraines, and I did not connect this to me, until I had lived with the affliction for quite some time.

                                                Anyway, as I have written about elsewhere the soaring heat this Summer had ramped up my Bitch-O-Meter.  And this lead to breathing problems on Saturday, which resulted in me being exhausted by Monday, so home I stayed.  I was all set, and willing, to return to work on Tuesday. But, in the middle of the night, around 3am, I awoke with what I suspected was a migraine.  I took two Excedrin Migraine, n the hope of fending it off, but no luck; by morning I was in pain and sick to the stomach.  A sure confirmation, because the migraine is known as "the sick headache."  Remember Mabel Alberston, as Donald Hollinger's mother on "That Girl?"  Whenever faced with something or someone she would rather not deal with, she would say to her husband, "Frank, I have a sick headache."  Who knew, then, the migraine was making its sticom debut??????????

                                                    I spent the better part of Monday, and all day yesterday bedridden, girls, because between the heat and the migraine pain, I just could not stand it.  A migraine screws up the whole day--it is a waste, because I cannot get anything of importance done--no reading, no blogging, anything.  Though things had begun to lift, believe me, by the time the new episode of "Rizzoli And Isles" aired at nine. I will have more to say about that , eventually.

                                                      Maybe if I had taken Advanced Placement Biology, I would have by now discovered, or at least have been working on, a cure for migraines, something that gets rid of it all immediately, even faster than Excedrin Migraine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        If migraines are bestowed on the gifted, why should we be so lucky??????

                                                         Like the song in "Funny Girl" says, "When you're gifted, then you're gifted!!!!!!!!"

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