Friday, August 2, 2013

Another Great One Has Left Us, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Just look at this photo, girls!!!!!!!!!!!  Theater Queens will salivate, and they should!!!!!!!!!  That is Eileen Brennan, with Charles Nelson Reilly standing behind her, back in 1964, recording the Original Cast Album of  "Hello, Dolly!" for RCA.  I will never forget her contralto in the solos on the song "Motherhood," an all but forgotten number, if all you know of "Hello, Dolly!" is the Barbra Streisand movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I discovered Eileen first as Genevieve, the gum cracking, hard-as-nails waitress, in Peter Bogdanovich's "The Last Picture Show," which I saw back in 1971.  My father had to take me to see that, because I was 16, then, but still looked prepubescent.  I can tell you, when Cybil Shepard stripped on the diving board, and dived nude into the pool, he was shocked!  Myself, I wanted to do the very same thing!!!!!!

                                       Eileen Brennan, during the 70's and 80's became what Angela Lansbury was described as in the 40's and 50's--a "picture saver," where the film might be no good, but you could always count on a good performance from them.  And that was certainly true of Eileen; I know I will be shot for saying this, but so what, after all the other stuff I have said on here--I hated, simply HATED "The Sting," but Eileen kept me going through it. If it wasn't for her, I would have no memory of it whatsoever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          And so, when she took that final curtain call at July's end, I recognized we had lost one of the greats. And, yes, I was sorry about Cory Monteith, but come on--next to EILEEN BRENNAN???????????   She had a career, the other was trying to eke out one by still being Flavor Of The Month, by virtue of "Glee," which would vanish as soon as that now dated thing goes off the air.  And just look at Lea--no career there, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           But Eileen had one--on stage, screen, and she was Oscar nominated.  Not to mention the musical that made her a star--"Little Mary Sunshine."

                                             She will be missed by Theater Queens and comedy fans alike!  Which includes just about everyone, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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