Thursday, August 29, 2013

Girls, I Am Telling You, This Is One Of The Most Evil Bitches On Here!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            The picture is just perfect, darlings, because the sweeter the look, the more evil lurking behind it. And Gemma Killeen is EVIL!!!!!!!!!  Not only is she the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, she also wins the Susan Smith Motherhood Award.  She and Susan are two peas in a pod, and, when I saw this dramatized the other night on "Deadly Women," I knew I had not only found this week's winner, but possibly the most upsetting crime since the murder of Jamie Bulger.

                                             Gemma was a girl who liked to party.  She parties her way into the arms of Eddie Wetere, who knocked her up, and she gave birth to an adorable boy, nicknamed Kayden.  The sweetest little thing you could hope to see.  I am not sure if Eddie and Gemma got married, but they tried coexisting as parents, but the more motherhood imposed its responsibilities, the more Gemma wanted to
party. Not unlike that similarly inclined skank from Florida, named Casey Anthony!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Eddie was willing to take on parental duties, and so was Gemma's mother.  But not all the time; Gemma, as Mom told her, had to realize motherhood was a 24/7 job.  Well, that just did not go down well with Miss Gemma, and finally she reached her boiling point, where she did something so heinous, I would like to see the same thing done to her.

                                                  On November 25, 2010 Gemma drove with Kayden to Hillary's Boat Harbor (This was all in the area surrounding Perth, Australia.) . She removed Kayden from the car, took him down to the rocky embankment, where the tide was coming in, and left him there.  This poor sweet child had no idea what or why this was being done to him, and, inevitably, he drowned.  Then, Gemma dashed back to another site, and, when it was too late, called for help, saying, not unlike Susan Smith, that Kayden had been kidnapped.  Yeah, right.  When the child's body was found floating, obviously drowned in the water, it did not take long to figure out who did it.  Gemma claimed she never intended to harm Kayden--she just wanted to get Eddie's attention, and jump start their on again, off again, relationship.  Yeah, jump start it to termination!  You think Eddie will go near you now, you sick bitch???????????????

                                                      Gemma was tried, found guilty, and given Life, with a minimum of 13 years.  But don't worry; when that time is reached, I don't think Gemma will be going anywhere.  You think people will want her paroled?  You think, even if she were issued a new identity, people won't forget, and track her down?  Don't kid yourself. Who knows; maybe Gemma is getting the rough treatment from some of the female inmates.  Why don't they do a re-enactment of "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson?  Gemma made an innocent child suffer, and two families as well, she deserves to suffer, too.

                                                         And who knows, she may be.  I love how, in the wrap-up, profi
ler Candace De Long, whom we all know and love, said there is a special place in Hell, reserved for Gemma.  But not even Satan wants her there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          You have to be BAD to be rejected by Satan!  Which makes Gemma not only perfect for Bitch Of The Week, but one of the most evil figures on here!

                                                             She and Casey Anthony should be the main course at the next Hell
Holiday Barbecue, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                As for Kayden, my wish is he was scooped up caressingly by loving angels, who have taken him to a place where he will be perpetually loved.  Your mother may not have loved you, Kayden, but there are plenty on Earth who do, and mourn your passing!

                                                                  Mama will get hers, kid!  Don't worry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. I just watched the episode then looked up the case. Absolutely heartbreaking! Horrible! I don't understand people like her, I just don't get it.
    Baby boy is in heaven now.
    Such a sweet baby...

    That lady (I won't even call it a mother), deserves the most miserable life and I'm sure she will get it.


  2. Brandi.

    Thanks for commenting. I second
    all you say. This case was so upsetting
    that, when I know it will be repeated, I
    make sure NOT to watch it!
