Friday, August 9, 2013

Girls, This Is Absolutely The PERFECT Thing To Watch Either Before, Or After, Going To Your High School Reunion!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I have never seen the 1986 film "Slaughter High," though, with my generic interests, I had always heard about it!!!!!!!!  If only Monsieur and I had been able to find a copy of it, so we could curl up with it, either tonight, right before the reunion, or tomorrow, afterward.  Alas, this is one film that is hard to find.

                                        But not hard to figure out.  The plot is pretty generic.

                                         Marty Rantzen (Simon Scuddamore) is the resident geek at Doddsville Country High School.  Just as I was at Highland Park High School,. or according to whom to believe, made to feel that I was.  The popular kids play all kinds of tricks on him--setting him up for sex, but catching him in the nude, dunking him in the toilet.  This was something that was never done to me, and never would be, because the idea of me wanting to have sex with any of the girls in my high school was absolutely disgusting.  I mean.....Debbie Kaplan????????????  Gag me with a spoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           The worst prank comes when Marty is in the chemistry lab. He is working on an experiment, but someone has strategically placed a bottle of nitric acid atop the shelf nearest his table.  You know what happens, dolls!  Marty is a klutz, the bottle shatters to the floor, and acid is splashed on his face, disfiguring him.  For the next ten years, Marty is worked on surgically, and incarcerated mentally.

                                              Ten years later, those involved in teasing Marty are invited, by an unknown person, to a Ten Year Class Reunion, at their old school, which is now abandoned.  They arrive, (why they even went is questionable, and shows they deserve everything they get!!!!!!!!) and find their high school photos taped to their former school lockers.

                                                  Then the body count begins.  The best one is where the dumb jock  drinks beer, and his stomach splits open!!!!!!!!!!!!  Of course, it is not take long to figure out that the one doing it all is Marty, out for revenge!  And who can blame him?  He is still disfigured, but hides behind a jester mask and costume, which is effectively creepy.  However, there is a catch.

                                                    The catch is the film ends just like the 1953 "Invaders From Mars," where the boy awakens to find it was only a dream, then, going back to bed, looks out his window, to see his dream actually beginning to take place--and he knows what he is in for.  In "Slaughter High," Marty awakens screaming in the hospital; it is not ten years, but only days,. after his accident.  He stabs a doctor in the eye, with a hypodermic needle, killing him. He also kills, and assumes the identity of the nurse caring for him, so he can escape the hospital.  Because he is not going to wait ten years to avenge himself on his tormentors!!!!!!!!  He is going to do it NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        And this is the weekend of MY high school reunion!!!!!!!!!  Do I have anything special planned???????  At least, I am better looking than Marty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          You will just have to wait to find out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            Here is a clip from "Slaughter High!"  Reunions were never THIS fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             And just wait till what I write on this blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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