Thursday, August 15, 2013

Guess Who Paid Me A Surprise Visit This Summer, Darlings??????????????

                                      That is right, girls; when you least expect it, Insanity Wolf rears his ugly head!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      There I was, busily working away, when he came into the room, doing his usual Hitler walk about the room, making sure people had put their cell phones away.  He came upon one woman who had not, (and she was, I admit, a problem, having dealt with her earlier; at that point I was ready to give some sympathy) and she mouthed off to him!  Well, that was it!  She screamed, "Do you want to take it from me?" and gave it to him. He took it, and practically threw it down on the desk.

                                        Then he discovered something I was not doing properly, and instead of reminding me matter of factly, he starts his usual screaming, whereupon I interrupted with a "Don't start that with me!"  The problem was resolved, not politely.  When I said, "I'm out of here!" he snapped back, "Yes, you are!", whereupon I spat back "Stay away from me!"

                                          Why must I continue to endure this lunatic idiocy???????  What does it take??????  HR???????   My union?????????  Gag me with a spoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           It has been a long interval since the last attack, but this is still the fourth one in two years, so it works out, on average, to about every six months.  Who does it think it is, darlings?????????

                                             Remember when Bette Davis said to Olivia De Havilland, as Cousin Miriam, in "Hush.....Hush, Sweet Charlotte, "You're a vile, sorry little bitch??????????"

                                               Miriam was not the only one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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