Monday, August 19, 2013

I Am So Excited,Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I guess there is no other way to tell you, darlings, then to let it out.... I now own my very first Diane Von Furstenberg item!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   What a day we had yesterday.  First, we were joined for an early brunch--10:30 AM, which did not prevent I or Baby Gojira from listening to Sister Camille--by Larry and Bruce.  When we were done, we all piled into Larry's car and took this ride to something called Woodland Commons, outside of New York City, but still in the state, I think.   It is a designer's outlet--no bookstores, dears!!!!!!!!!--but every name you can think of--Diane, Valentino, Prada, Gucci, Dior--I am telling you, fashionistas and gay queens would be drooling!!!!!!!  As was I!  When we walked into Diane's shop, I was agog with the wash of color blinding me.  Diane certainly has a way with color and patterns that I can appreciate, and that made me want to buy one of her dresses, even if I could not fit into it. However, Monsieur found something for me that was even more apropos--a beautiful traveling reticule, in gold, with the phrase "Glamour is shine and confidence," emblazoned on it, with a love heart and Diane's signature!  And he bought it for me!  Now, I have to find all kinds of dainties to put into it.  So I can proudly display it, when out on those special evenings, to one and to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       The picture below gives you an idea of the style, but I like mine, because it is more personal and special, as it was bought for me by my beloved, and has its own Diane slogan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I am telling you, I am going to be the envy of my neighborhood!

                                          Or at least my apartment building!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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