Thursday, August 8, 2013

If You Think Working For Anna Is A Horror, Girls, You Should Try Working For THIS Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Now, you all know how much I love ANNA, darlings, but she does have a tendency to eat employees, assistants and interns, but spit out the bones.  The difference between she and Jennifer Raab, winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, is that Anna is running a multimillion dollar fashion empire, and sets the standard for fashion in this town.  Jennifer Raab, like small potatoes, runs Hunter College, or tries to, and, unlike ANNA, has no propensity for fashion and also consumes the bones of those whom she  relentlessly chews out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Grace Coddington could write a book, and still say some nice things about ANNA! No one could, where Miss Raab is concerned!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Whenever I think of how annoying things can get where I work, I now think of Jennifer, and, all of a sudden, I am filled with gratitude.  If I had to deal with her, I would not last long, because, believe me, I would call this lying, libelous bitch on the carpet, and if she dared to raise a hand to me, I would slap her across her bitch face!  Which is probably what she has needed for a long time, except no one is willing to give it to her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Her sour expression tells all.  I know her type, dolls--an ax wielding sycophant, whom all the employees hate, but administrators love, because she adheres to all their Gestapo tactics, even if she thinks them wrong, because she has no integrity, other than to get ahead!!!!!!!!!  Let's hope, for the sake of the Hunter populace, her stop there is a stepping stone!  Just like her own mother, whom she walked over, was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          It is fun to single out Miss Raab  as this week's Bitch Of The Week, but she can't be entirely blamed, darlings!!!!!!  She is one of a sub-species that is all over New York City, trying to prove themselves, and let me assure you, girls, not all of these types are women!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Not by a long shot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             But when I heard of Miss Raab, I knew I had found the winner for this week!!!!!!!!!!

                                               May she be haunted in her bedroom at night by the ghost of Judith Crist!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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