Sunday, August 4, 2013

Just Imagine If I Had Had Children, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Would you believe my controversial posting over Bronwen Hruska's book, "Accelerated," did not get one comment?   No media knocking at my door, no riled coworkers emailing me, and I was ready to fend them off?  I am still riled over the underlying problem in Hruska's novel--the elementary education gender bias in this country that gives more attention to girls, than boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           So, I wondered, how would it be, if I had had children.  Today's teachers should be damned lucky I did not,  because I would be breathing down their necks, screaming fire and brimstone at them!  Back when I was young and had not figured things out yet, I was planning on having eight children, so, let's say if that worked out, the odds are the genders would vary.  I would push all my children in school, you had better believe it--Advanced Placement, Ivy League, all the things I should have been pushed for, but wasn't because I was ignored, just as I am these days, at work!!!!--but I would be pushing the boys more, because, after the gender bias I have experienced, I would make damn sure it did not happen to them.  And, if I had daughters, and they were not being accorded the treatment I believed them to merit, I would step in  on their behalf!!!!!!!!!!!   But I would definitely favor the boys, just as I would , had I gone into education myself.

                                           Whether it was  an interview with Hruska, or somewhere else, I read a quote suggesting boys in school today are "treated like defective girls."  My first question is, what does that phrase mean, in terms of the girls??? Now they are being maligned?????????  Or is a non-traditional girl viewed as defective, which is just as damaging as labeling boys defective???????????  It goes back to what I said earlier--during these years, the genders should be taught apart, and by the respective sex!!!!!!!!  But then too many female teachers would be out of jobs, and God forbid they should have to do some REAL work!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             So, yes, had I had children my boys would have been pushed harder than my girls!  And I would have been the bane of those teachers' existences!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Just as I hope I am now, writing all this on my blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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