Monday, August 26, 2013

Nice Threads, Paula!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Like clockwork, darlings, when it reaches 10PM in our house on Sunday night, that means "On The Case With Paula Zahn."  Last night's story took place in Grand Forks, North Dakota, where, on November 22, 2003, a young girl named Dru Sjodin was abducted from the Columbia Mall parking lot in Grand Forks, after working a shift at Victoria Secret. She was pounced upon by Alfonso Rodriguez, Jr., a 50-year-old itinerant, and, it turns out, of course, sex offender, who kidnapped, raped and murdered poor Dru.  Fortunately, he is behind bars!!!!!!!!!!!  Where he should remain, for good!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Of course, Paula chronicled everything, with her usual, professionally crisp earnestness.  But, that was not the highlight of the evening. The highlight was the red dress she wore at the start of the program, which demonstrates that Paula, or, at least, someone on her staff, or ID's, is listening to me, because she looked fabulous last night, instead of the crepe hanger, she usually is.  Now, Paula, I am not telling you to abandon basic black, for good.  In fact, I have an idea.  When Halloween time rolls around, the Sunday nearest to it, (which would be October 27!!!!!!!!) why not do a murder story, related to Halloween?????  They are out there; don't let anyone kid you!  It didn't just start with John Carpenter!!!!!!!!
On that night, Paula, you could wear a basic black, with an orange scarf!!!!!!!!!!!  I would skip the witch's hat; that would be pushing things, and you do not want to lose credibility.

                                           But Paula looked just smashing last night, darlings!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait till next week!  I look as forward to what she will be wearing as the case she will be covering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Fashion rules, Paula!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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