Monday, August 12, 2013

Time To Get A New Outfit, Paula!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Girls, I am telling you, Paula Zahn is getting to be a professional crepe paper hanger!!!!!!!!!   And exhibiting poor taste in fashion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 What has she been doing?  For two weeks in a row she has been wearing the same black dress, with sleeves, I believe, on her show!  Come on, Paula, can't you dig into that closet and pull something new out?  You don't have to look like a mortician just because you are covering sleazy crime.

                                                     With the weekend I had, darlings, I could not begin to keep awake during Paula's program last night--something about a woman named Mary Jane murdered by a guy named Bill, and it was connected to two other women elsewhere.  A serial killer out for greed, I think!!!!!!!   Guess he must have watched "Shadow Of A Doubt" too many times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Like Paula has worn this dress once too often!  I mean it, if I see her in the same get up this coming Sunday, I am going to call her out, even more so than I am doing now!

                                                           And invite her to come to town, so the two of us can do a run through at Bergdorf's that can only improve her appearance.

                                                             It wouldn't hurt to get a hair appointment with Ariette, either!!!!!!!!!!!!

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