Thursday, August 22, 2013

Why Does This Photo Of Mandy Patinkin Resemble A Post Office "Wanted" Poster?????????

                                            There might be more truth here than meets the eye, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Mandy Patinkin is all over the place these days, making big apologies for what he calls his "abominable" behavior.  I wouldn't call it  that, at all.  I call it simply being Mandy Patinkin.

                                               The question is, why he feels the need to do this?  It is not regret or humility; I can tell you that.  His career must be nose diving; let's face it, the last couple of concerts he has done have been with Patti Lu Pone, and you know who was doing all the work there!  Patti was carrying Mandy; these days, if it was just him on the bill, no one would show up.

                                               Now, the thing is, I like Mady Patinkin. He blew me away the first time I saw him, back in 1980, in "Evita."  Patti, by the way, was there, too, and while it was clearly her show, he held his own nicely.  He was terrific in the underrated film "Daniel" (1983), based on E.L. Doctorow's fictional account of the Rosenbergs, "The Book Of Daniel."  And he was brilliant as Seurat in "Sunday In The Park With George," even though it marked something of a breakthrough for Bernadette Peters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                It's just that it is too possible to have too much of Mandy. That is because he is a performer of skilled technique, but that is all he is--technique. Unlike Lu Pone and others, there is no warmth, no chemistry, that allows him to connect with performers. And he exudes arrogance.  He has the talent to back it up, but without any sort of warmth, (even BARBRA can turn it on, when she wants to, and it best serves her!!!!!) Mandy, for all his brilliance, leaves audiences cold.

                                                  Which could account for his behavior. People do not respond to him the
way they do others, or the way he feels they should respond to him, and he throws a hissy fit!!!!!!!!!!!  Bitch, get with it!  Don't you know you are being your own worst enemy????????

                                                     I recall a time when Mandy and I actually crossed paths.  He approached my desk, propped himself down on it, like he was entitled, and proceeded to ask me questions.  It wasn't the questions he asked; I answered them adeptly enough but what was palpably emanating from him--this plea to be noticed.  "Notice me!  Notice me!," he seemed to scream.  He and I both knew I knew who he was, and, because he was so arrogant, and wanted to be acknowledged so badly, I chose not to.  I was polite, but at no point did I call him "Mr. Patinkin."  Boy, that must have pissed him off!  I hope so, Mandy!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       Now, he wants to kiss and make up!  Well, to revise Diana Barrymore, darlings. I say, "Too Little, Too Late!"  You should have done this years ago, Mandy, for it to have any credibility.  Now, it still seems like the kind of grandstanding you have always been famous for!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        "Oh, Mandy!
                                                          Well you came and you gave without taking!
                                                           And I sent you away, oh Mandy!"
                                                              --Barry Manilow, "Mandy" (1974)

                                                           You and the Wicked Queen from "Snow White" must have the same Magic Mirror, dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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