Monday, August 19, 2013

You Won't Believe The Dream I Had Last Night, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Maybe it was all the calamari and sauce I ate last night.  I swear I was not high on anything, girls, but love (for Monsieur, who else?????????).  I even fell asleep toward the end of Paula Zahn; I missed her wrap up monologue, where she asks viewers to join her next week, "when we are back On The Case!!!!!!!!!!!"  That whole New York Times seriousness of Paula's simply cracks me up!

                                      So, last night, I fell asleep, where I dreamed I was visiting my friends, Janice and Annette, in their palatial Upper East Side digs, for enthrallment.  I got it in droves; however, every time they entered the main room, they would emerge, dressed in a different outfit from Fellini's 1965 film "Juliet Of The Spirits," the first film he did in color, by the way!

                                        The dream was a visual smorgasbord. Maybe it had more to do with going to those designer outlets up in Woodland Commons, than eating that calamari!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I think it had more to do with stepping inside Diane Von Furstenberg's store, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!  Now I have this craving to see "Juliet Of The Spirits."  And, since I have been singing, of late, "My Husband Makes Movies," from "Nine," that could very well lead to things too!!!!!

                                           May all your dreams be as technicolor and Fellinesque, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Honestly, with such an eye for color and design, how did the man turn out to be straight???????????????

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