Friday, September 20, 2013

A Farewell To Summer, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Well, darlings, that is not only it for today, but that is it for Summer 2013!!!!!!!!!!
As I look back on what will soon be history, I ask, what was the highlight?  The Mermaid Parade?  My third reading of "Anna Karenina?"  My 40th high school reunion, and having my picture taken with Roberta?  Going there with my beloved Monsieur??????????????  Is there something I am missing?

                             I can't decide, so I will just say All Of The Above...and what ever else I may be forgetting!!!!!!!!!!!  Nothing seems sadder to me than Summer's end; back to Hell Prosperina goes, the days get shorter, to where it is so depressing, when it gets completely dark by 4:30 in the afternoon!!!!!  No matter how far removed from school I am--forever, at this point--the end of Summer always makes me feel this way!!!!  Thank God for the Holidays, at this point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             So, I hope you all had a Happy Summer, and wish you  an even happier--and culturally exciting-- Fall!  Tomorrow, it starts, and I will be right there to report to you on all of it!

                              And let's keep the Drama on the stage--where it belongs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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