Friday, September 20, 2013

Are Gay Men Laura, Darlings????????????????

                              Girls, remember the great 1942 Bette Davis classic, "Now, Voyager????????"  The highlight of that film for me, especially when I was old enough to understand it, was the relationship between the now remade Charlotte Vale (Davis) and this young girl, Tina, (played by Janice Wilson) who, of course, turns out to be the daughter of Doctor Jerry Durrance (Paul Henreid), and from all this comes--get those tissues out, everyone, one of the most famous closing lines in movie history--"Don't ask for the moon; we have the stars!"

                            Tina is first introduced in the film, long before she is seen, by a photograph, depicting a happy family posing for the camera, save for one child, who is wearing her dissatisfaction on her sleeve.  I can still remember the first thing Davis says to Henreid here.  She asks him, "Does Tina know she wasn't wanted?"

                              She should know.  For Davis' Charlotte has just come from a house of horrors herself--being reared by a self-centered mother, (Gladys Cooper, in one of her great roles!!!!!!!) who derides her into repressed spinsterhood, helped along by her niece June, daughter of her sister, Lisa, played by Ilka Chase.  June, who rides Aunt Charlotte mercilessly, is played by--who else????--Bonita Granville; though once Charlotte transforms herself (aided by her sister Lisa, who sends her  to to Dr. Jaquith's--played by Claude Rains--sanitarium, Cascade) comes back at her lovingly, referring to her as "roly poly."

                               When Mrs. Vale, dies--and girls, you have GOT to see not only Gladys Cooper's death scene, but the one where she intentionally throws herself down the stairs, to gain attention!!!!--Charlotte, out of guilt, flees to Cascade, where she meets Tina, and becomes the mother/confidante Tina has always wanted.  Charlotte is fond of Tina, but even more so, when she finds out she is Jerry's child.

                               This culminates in a tearful party scene, with a transformed and happy Tina atop the stairs, running to her father!  Another four hankie moment, darlings!!!!!!!!!  When I saw this film, within the last several years, Tina's struggle, to me, seemed to mirror that, of all gay children.  Not that Tina is gay--far from it--but the struggle for identity, and acceptance of that identity at all costs, struck a chord in me.  Are all gay men Tina? I found myself asking, at the time??????????????

                              And now that it is almost "Glass Menagerie" time (we are seeing it next Sunday!!!!) I
find myself asking that same question about Laura!!!!!!!!!!  Are gay men Laura????????  I know there was a time, during my high school years, when I certainly thought of myself that way.  Laura is not gay, either, and, while her struggle is mirroring (as is Tom's)--this, after all, Tennessee Williams, for God's sake!!!!--relating Laura to burgeoning gay men dismisses both too easily.  Young gay men hide within themselves, while, simultaneously, wanting so much to find a way to break out. They are often willing, as was I, to try possibilities, even those that might fail, until, somehow, if miraculously, they get it right.  Laura, on the other hand, is too deeply rooted within herself; she has no idea how to break out, because she does not realize, insofar as we see her, how much she needs to.  Realization is the first step for Laura, and her tragedy is the potential is there, but not the self realization.

                            So, while many young gay men may go through a period where they feel (and understandably so!!!!) misunderstood or mistreated by the world, I still think they are more Tina, and less Laura.  Our hearts break for Laura, but they soar for Tina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               One thing where  I differ from Tina and Laura!  Tina's party gown does not make it, for me!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I want Audrey Hepburn's ball gown, from "My Fair Lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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