Sunday, September 1, 2013

Poor Wilma Harvey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                What did Wilma Harvey do, to end up meeting her demise, at the hands of David Mark Pruett?????????   And what was Marlo Thomas doing, narrating a story that, truthfully, belonged more on "Unusual Suspects" than "Happily Never After!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 They say "Virginia Is For Lovers," but that scum, Pruett, took care of that.  Wilma was a mid-thirties woman, a music teacher, who had resigned herself to being a spinster.  Well, you know what happens, darlings, just when one does so, along comes Mr. Right!  Wilma's was Richard Harvey, a Virginia restaurateur.  At first, Richard would not commit, but once Wilma pinned him down, dolls, he caved in, which shows that he really loved her.

                                   Richard and Wilma were married, and happily settled into their Virginia Beach home.  But this happiness ended, ten months later, on February 13, 1985--just one day before Valentine's Day; can you imagine?  Richard was out of town, and his "best friend," David Mark Pruett, who had acted as caterer at their wedding, paid her a visit that morning.  Richard was out of town, and he ostensibly stopped by to "check up" on her!  Yeah, right!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   During the visit, the paper boy stopped by to collect his fee, and Wilma paid him out of money hidden in a wooden box.  David Pruett was sitting in the living room, then, and the boy could see another person was present in that house, but he couldn't tell gender, or anything.  David then got the idea of robbing Wilma, and, when she returned, and told him she had to get ready for church, he asked to use her bathroom, before leaving.  She said yes, and went upstairs.  When Pruett was done, he approached her in the bedroom, demanding sex, at knife point, and then raped her.  He then slashed her throat and body, leaving her nude hands tied,  but with glasses on, in one of the most horrible displays of carnage that police force had seen.

                                 What no one--not Wilma, Richard, or anyone--knew, was that David had a criminal past. Back in 1975, he had murdered Deborah McGinnis, a coworker at Kentucky Fried Chicken, who, interestingly enough, had recently gotten married!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I wonder what Pruett's issues were?  Inability to find a relationship?  At the time of his execution, on December 16, 1993, Pruett had a wife; though that might have happened, while he was in prison.  Did he long for Wilma or Deborah?????????  Or was sexuality an issue; on "Happily Never After,"
narrator Marlo suggests David might have been obsessed with Richard, and jealous that now he spent more time with Wilma!  And Richard had hired him, as a cook, at his restaurant!!!!!!!!!  Who was it who said,
"Beware of mad dogs lurking.....????  Richard should have had his guard up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   David Pruett deserved what he got, but Richard and Wilma did not!  Just ten months
of happiness, and then...snuffed out by scum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have never seen a more disturbing episode of this program!

                                   Which goes to show how essential background checks are!  Unless one is dealing with Mary Poppins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I remember this case so well. I was born & raised in Hampton Roads, Virginia. As a young wife & new mother, I remember being frightened at the thought of someone out there that may be ready to strike again.
    David Pruett did indeed have a wife. They were married after his conviction, while he was incarcerated. It was not long before his execution if memory serves me correctly. I know she was able to visit him the day of his execution to say goodbye. It was not lost on me that he was allowed a privilege that was only one of many things he took away from Wilma & Richard Harvey. I will never understand why anyone would approach a confessed & convicted beyond doubt, cold blooded murderer, fall in love & marry them. It makes no sense in my world.


  2. I had never heard of this case till the other night. I found it sad and disturbing. Thanks for the info about Pruett's wife; I thought the marriage took place while he ws in prison. I don't get why that is allowed. And what happiness could she have knowing.....

    But poor Wilma and Richard! All Wilma wanted was the happiness she got, and was entitled to. She did not deserve the fate she received. I am not a vigilante, but I am glad Pruett is gone, as he would have kept harming others!

    Thanks for your comments and insight!

  3. David had emotional problems and took a lot of medications for them, but that was NO EXCUSE for what he did. A lot of us take meds for various reasons and don't murder people. And yes, he married just a short time before his execution, why no one knows, from what I know she was a religious visitor trying to help him know God before his demise, uh, I don't think God is the one he met.... Sick Sick man.

  4. Debbie was my third cousin. I was a small child when she was killed. I really don't remember her. So very sad.

  5. Such a tragic story. This man disgusts me. I saw this on Happily Never After however with only 10 mins left. When I tuned in Marlo said about a trip to Rhode this where Richard went? And why?

  6. Miss Lanham was my middle-school music teacher, conducting the Sabraton Jr. High School Choir in the mid-to-late 70's. She literally taught us how to sing, fostering in us exploration/appreciation of all things aural, and was the driving force behind many of us growing up to become musicians. Beaming, upbeat, sweet, & supportive, to this day, when I hit certain high notes, I see/hear her smiling, sparkling soprano in my mind's eye/ear, forever reminding me of how to bring forth my best. Hers was a spirit that left a permanent, positive imprint on all it encountered, a true muse. My heart bled when I learned of the senseless, horrific way she left this world. Blessed Be, Miss Lanham. We will never forget you.

    1. This says it all! She was my high school music teacher. She encouraged the best out of me. We sang at her wedding as a part of the Girls assemble. I was sharing memories of her with my daughter. I was hurt and devastated by this. But I have wonderful memories of her. She is sorely missed.

  7. Also had her for music teacher at Sabraton jr High in Morgantown West Virginia in 1976.She was a great teacher.

  8. She was my high school music teacher at Booker T. Washington High School. We sang at her wedding, Truly by Lionel Riche. I remember that day we were concerned because she never missed a day and we did not hear from her. It shook each of us. We loved her dearly and this wnimal took her from us. She is missed and cherised.

    1. I remember the uncertainty and fear attached to this situation. We were so concerned. Then this....

  9. She was my high school music teacher at Booker T. Washington High School. We sang at her wedding, Truly by Lionel Riche. I remember that day we were concerned because she never missed a day and we did not hear from her. It shook each of us. We loved her dearly and this wnimal took her from us. She is missed and cherised.


  10. Thanks for sharing your memories of Wilma. A good teacher and human being was lost far too soon by an animal.


  11. Mrs. Marshall.

    The more I actually
    hear about Wilma, the more
    special she seems. I am sorry
    for your loss, and the community'
    as well. Thank you for sharing.
