Tuesday, October 15, 2013

"And Where, My Pet, Is Miss Jessel???? Where Is She, Flora????"

                                  As Linda Ronstadt once sang, in her famous rendering of "Heat Wave," "Sometimes I stare into space/Tears all over my face."  I certainly have been feeling that way today. Perhaps the sight of marshes, and things growing up out of the water, which I witnessed on Sunday,  prompted me to think of the above quote, and Pamela Franklin's brilliant performance as Flora, in the 1961 film, "The Innocents."  Can you believe, darlings, that was over fifty--fifty two, to be precise--years ago????????  And this was Pamela Franklin's very first film???????  What a performance!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  This is my favorite scene in the film. It starts with Miss Giddens (the great Deborah Kerr) spotting Flora dancing daintily, in the gazebo, to the haunting strains of the song "O Willow Waly," heard throughout the film, from the very beginning.  Miss Giddens sees Flora ultimately staring at Miss Jessel, seemingly in the water, across the marshes.  She speaks the famous line, then forces Flora to, literally, confront her demon, which causes Flora to break into a fit of hysterics I have never seen better acted by any child on film.  Ever.

                                  Sometimes, I just feel like staring out into space, and then going hysterical.  Lord knows, darlings, there is enough going on around me that could cause me to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Perhaps I would be better channeling my energies by watching Pamela do it for me in
"The Innocents."  I cannot tell you the last time I have seen the film, except it has been too long!!!!!!!!!

                                   Imagine watching it, with soothing tea and scones afterward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   You all know I just crave my own hysterics!!!!!!!!!  Be careful what you wish for, darlings!!!!!!!!!!  And if Miss Jessel drives me mad, you will be the first, on here, to hear it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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