Monday, October 28, 2013

Darlings, This Was No "Eight Cousins" By Louisa May Alcott!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           And I thought I had trouble with some of my cousins!  Or, at least, one, in particular!!!!!!!!!  Consider poor Yi Lin Zhuo, whose entire family--a wife and four children--were massacred at the hands of 25 -year-old cousin, Mindgong Chen, who had been taken in, illegally, by the family in 2004.  Over the past nine years, he had attempted a series of jobs--one as far away as Chicago, but they did not just work out. What first might have been bad luck became indicative of personality issues, because, in between jobs, the petulant Chen would sit and home, and stew in the juices of his own resentment and jealousy, which boiled over into bloody violence, at the apartment, on 57th Street in Sunset Park.

                                            Jealousy is a prime motive for murder. But for this kind of jealousy to have exacerbated into murder indicates deep psychological problems on Chen's part. Who knows, maybe that is why he came to America. Maybe his family could not deal with him, so they sent him to relatives who could, and tried.  Some even accused him of laziness. I know how that can hurt, as, when young, I got the same thing from my relatives.  But I never killed anyone.  Though I have nursed some resentments over the years!!!!!!

                                            I have heard of "Kissing Cousins," but this is going way too far!  I hope justice is meted out to Chen, whether that means prison, a mental institution, or both. It would be interesting to get a glimpse into his socio-psychological history.   And, yes, darlings, you can bet "Law And Order SVU" will cook up an episode, based on this. After that terrible Anthony Weiner redux, they are desperate for a good one, and, if they write this one well, they could score a hit!  Especially if they bring back B.D. Wong!  Maybe make him related to the killer!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              To think--while Monsieur and I were home relaxing, this was taking place just eighteen blocks from where we live!  Brooklyn's Chinatown is not known for violence, which makes it all the more shocking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                It will take more than Dim Sum to fix Mngdong Chen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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