Friday, October 25, 2013

Girls, Will Avonte Oquendo Become His Generation's Etan Patz??????? And What Excuse Is There, If He Does?????????

                                        The correct answer, darlings, is that there is no excuse.  Also that things have not been learned from past cases.

                                          Ever since this story broke, the media has been all over it, with the community, law enforcement, even helicopters, getting into the act.  Whether or not Avonte is alive now is a matter of opinion, and it saddens me to contemplate what that opinion might be.  But the inexcusable thing is searchers seem to be casting too wide a net.  They should, instead, look within their own back yard. Some one in that
neighborhood has, or has had, Avonte, or knows something about someone who does.

                                           Look at the data. Etan Patz, Leiby Kletsky, and, more recently, Ariel Castro and his Ohio House of Horrors.  All within the confines of local neighborhoods.

                                            What I also want to know is what prompted Avonte to walk out of his Long Island City school, the day he vanished, and why?   Was he lured?  Was someone at school bothering him, and he had to get awa???????. And why is none of this being looked into???????????????????

                                                I am telling you, the scum that most likely did this  to Avonte lives in the Oquenco's neighborhood.  If the police are too stupid to turn this locale inside and out, then they are as culpable as Avonte's perpetrator.

                                                 Hell, call me and Aphrodite Jones!  We will get at the truth, darlings!!!!! Even if it means turning a neighborhood inside out!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   And, of course, you know "Law And Order SVU" will do an episode, suggested by it. Hell, the cops on there will probably do a better job than the real ones.  If Avonte is still not found when the episode airs, it would be interesting to see what theoretical solution is developed!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Hey, Raymond Kelly--you and your dumb ass lackies get off your moneyed asses and go find this kid, so his family can have closure!

                                                        Otherwise, as far as I am concerned, his blood is as much on your hands, as the killer's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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