Thursday, October 31, 2013

Here Is The Perfect Halloween Bitch, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Some of you may have already met Sister Sarah Jane Butler, especially if you read my recent post on the 1972 film, "Evil Come, Evil Go," which I have just GOT to see!!!!!  But, the minute I saw Sister Sarah, I knew she would be the perfect candidate for Halloween Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     And here she is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Now, for those of you who need explaining, or refreshing, Sister Sarah (played by porn actress Cleo O'Hara) is a travelling evangelist, from the Midwest.  She comes to Los Angeles, because God has given her a mission.  She is the one and only member of the Sacred Order Of The Sisters Of Subjugation, and her mission is to rid the world of pleasurable sex!!!!!!!!!!!!  I kid you not, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean, in the Midwest, this could be possible; look how William Inge mined sexual repression is his successful dramatic works.  But Los Angeles?????????  Or New York????????  You have GOT to be kidding!!!!!!!!!  Sister certainly does have her work cut out for her, though!!!!!!!!!

                                       And dig that crazy getup!!!!!!!  A cross between Bette Davis as Baby Jane Hudson,  and Hayley Mills as Pollyanna.  But Sister Sarah has her ways.  Like many evangelists, she is a true sexual hypocrite.  She preaches the Gospel by day, but by night goes trolling in search of men having sex, and kills them during the act, or has sex with them herself, and then does them in.

                                         "How dare you beget in front of me?" Sister says to one unlucky couple. By then, she has recruited Sister Penny, a pathetic, overweight lesbian, who has been disowned by her family, and has a strange compulsion to obey the Sister.  So Penny becomes her acolyte, luring men to their sexual destruction, as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             You gotta hand it to Sister Sarah!!!!!!!!!!!!!   What an act she has going, with
that outfit and those attitudes. Her renditions of "Shall We Gather By The River," and "Bringing In The Sheaves" is priceless!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               When she says, "Get your tambourine, Sister Penny, we are going out!," you had better pick up and go!  I cannot think of anyone more appropriate for this Halloween Bitch Of The Week.  

                                                 Congratulations, Sister Sarah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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