Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I Made It, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Today is the second of October, and if you were raised Catholic, (as I was) that means it is the Feast Of The Guardian Angels.  A Guardian Angel, for the uninformed is a celestial being assigned to watch over you--all of us, in fact--during our time on Earth!   I had a book explaining all this, as a child, which is how I know about the feast, and I remember the passage that said, "the present he likes best  from you is to be especially good on this day, and every day."

                                        It also says that sometime, we will see our Guardian Angel, and I DO believe that.  So , today, I pay homage to that celestial being, and all of you should, too!

                                         Let me tell you, girls, mine is more challenged than most.  The things he has had to put up with, and endure watching.  I am certain there were times when he threw up his hands and said, "Hey, God, why did you have to assign me this one?"  Maybe he is Henry Travers, though I don't think so!
And can Guardian Angels be female????  I have never heard anything about that, but why not?  Do they watch over only girls?  These are questions I cannot answer.

                                            But it is also a day to celebrate the angels that are among us on this Earth right now.  Like our family and friends.  My beloved Monsieur, who keeps me going.  All those around us, who love us, including Baby Gojira, Ramsey, Little Bird, and Rover!  Not to mention Cujo!!!!  And Sister Camille D'Arienzo, whose radio broadcasts on Sunday are like little gems of Mass!

                                             I survived the dentist, and made it to Guardian Angles Day!  Here is hoping for a great October, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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