Sunday, October 6, 2013

Looks Like Things Along The Mississippi Have Not Changed Much, Since Edna Ferber Wrote About It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Honestly, girls, what are things coming to, in the brilliant Donna Tartt's home state, and alma mater, the University Of Mississippi???  Have you heard about this?  The Drama Department there is presenting an admirable production of Moises Kaufman's play, "The Laramie Project," based on the Matthew Shepard tragedy.

                                     Well, apparently at last Tuesday's performance, the actors on stage were heckled homophobically by Ole Miss football players, and others in the audience, egged on by them, who disrupted the work, by shouting out anti-gay slurs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       The first thing I want to know is--what are a bunch of gridiron morons doing to a play like this, in the first place???? Unless this was their intention, which I will bet it was!!!!!!!  How often do you get a bunch of jock lugs to serious theater?  Just about never, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         The second thing I want to know is--why is it always the footballers who display this type of anti-social behavior????  You never hear about tennis players, basketballers, or baseball players displaying this type of hate!  Maybe it is the steroids and testosterone levels in these guys!!!!  Well, all I can say is--guys, get a grip, literally, because gay is here to stay, and I am telling you, whether you want to believe it or not, it is alive and well in your locker room!!!!!!!  Any teammates getting extra help from coach???
Uhmmmmm Hmmmmmmmmmmm!  That is an old routine, honeys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            I hope the athletes, and their followers, who engaged in this harassment, are held responsible, and prosecuted for a hate crime.  Send up them up here to New York City, and make them do community service work, for the LGBT Community, under the watchful auspices of Sister Camille D'Arienzo!!!!!!!!!!  That should whip them into shape!

                                             I guess things have not really changed as much down South, as I would like to think!!!!!!!!  Now, waiting on the levee, waiting for the Robert E. Lee, can get one gay bashed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Bash this, you homophobic idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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