Saturday, October 5, 2013

This Christine Is Worse Than Quinn, Or Stephen King's Killer Car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Several days ago, this letter went viral.  It is a grandfather disowning his own daughter, who must be some piece of trash, for throwing out her son, simply because he is gay.  This reminds me of something from back in my high school days, which I wrote about on here, in the early days of the Tyler Clementi tragedy.

                                         In my junior year of high school, back in 1972, there appeared a poem in the paper, the Highland Fling, under the title "He Always..."  It was an indictment of how the public school system, certainly at that time, and still to an extent today, I am sure, push those who are different towards mainstream conformity.  The poem ends with the dismal words, "like everything else," and was issued with an Editor's Note, explaining it was submitted by a young boy to an English teacher in a small Southern school.  Two weeks later, that student committed suicide.

                                         This haunted me ever since, and, 38 years later, when the Tyler Clementi incident revived its memories, and I began investigating, I found that the poem was out there in more ways than I could have anticipated (under a variety of other titles, most memorably, "May Your Sky Always Be Yellow") back then, but, to this day, I have never been able to confirm its author, the true situation, or its authenticity. Only that someone, since it exists, actually wrote it.

                                           What I call the "Christine letter," which recently went viral, is as mysterious as this poem.  A father harshly disowns his homophobic, adult daughter, for kicking her son, his grandson, out of the house, because he stated he was gay.  Not an uncommon occurrence in mainstream houses across America.  But Grandpa's indictment has certainly touched nerves, and earned him kudos from the LGBT Community.

                                             But it is not readily known if Grandpa, the son, Chad, and Christine, the mother/daughter, exist.  Nor where they live, how old they are, or what rests behind the situation.  I am  presuming the absence of a father figure in this boy's life, which would be a good indicator is just some piece of Average White Trash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               The letter seems to indicate that the grandfather will take in Chad, whom he calls "fabulous," and raise him in a way more accepting than what his trash daughter was unable to provide!!!!!!!!

                                               If the people involved actually exist, it would be great if Chad and Grandpa stepped forward, to inspire others, so long as they felt comfortable with the whole thing. No one wants to see that Christine, who would probably be stoned, if she did appear.  But, if the letter turns out to be just something written, as I suspect the earlier, aforementioned poem was, may it have the enduring life of that earlier epistle, and kudos to whomever wrote it, and may it act as a public service aide, which, in the long run, I am sure is ultimately what was intended.

                                                   Throwing out her son, because he is gay??????  Throw trailer park trash Christine out of her trailer, and out onto the main highway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Then, hitch a ride to nowhere, bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  No "Bus From Amarillo," for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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