Friday, October 4, 2013

Who Knows, Girls????????? You May See Me Under The Major Deegan Expressway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  You all know how much I just love Sister Camille D'Arienzo, darlings!  And you just know she is wearing the most elegant earrings, here!  Now, I don't know if she actually shows up along the Major Deegan, but other sisters and humanitarians do--to feed and aid the criminals and prostitutes who frequent along there, remembering that they, too, are human beings!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    It makes me want to get up there right away, and dish out food to the working girls!!!!!!!  As well as dish with them!  These are the Fantines of today, and they need our help, just as much as Fantine did in her time!

                                    If you saw, or even if you didn't, the recent article in The Times, there is going to be some kind of spiritual enclave this Sunday at the convent on Willoughby Street, in Brooklyn, where Sister Camille is.  Humanitarian topics will be discussed, and, girls, this is one party I would LOVE to  crash!!!!!!!!!!!!  I bet tea will be served!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      So, who knows, you may soon be hearing of my exploits up on the Major Deegan!!!!  No, not THOSE kind of exploits!!!!!!  The kind that go toward helping all the wounded birds that need our help!

                                       And you know how much I love my wounded birds!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Just as I love Sister Camille!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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