Friday, November 8, 2013

An Occurrence At The GWB, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               That is the GWB, and not the Owl Creek Bridge, girls; that is strictly for Ambrose Bierce.  And the occurrence I am referring to takes place on Sunday, November 10, at approximately 10 AM.

                                Several weeks back, two young men, Ronnie Kroell, and Elliot Dal Pra London, both living in Los Angeles, and both working in the entertainment industry, decided to undertake, in 37 days, a 921 mile walk from Chicago to the George Washington Bridge, here in New York, to highlight the issue of bullying.  The bridge was chosen to end the journey because of it was the place where Tyler Clementi, the most noted of those bullied, and who set much of this movement in motion, chose tragically to end his life on September 22, 2010, due to bullying and harassment he could not face.

                                 At the site, they are going to be joined by supporters, members of the Tyler Clementi Foundation, chief among those the Clementis themselves--parents Joseph and Jane, and their older son, James, who is gay himself, and has written extensively on, and about, Tyler.

                                  I have to hand it to the Clementis.  Not only is the walk so high, and the wind is sure to be fierce, but when Monsieur and I walked it, back on October 16, 2010, the  vibes were disturbing.  They cannot  help but be to the Clementis, so directly involved in all this!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I wish I cold be there myself, but, alas, I cannot.  But the Raving Queen gives the Clementis, the walkers, and their supporters a ringing endorsement. And I know all my girls support this, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     The legacy of Tyler continues, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!  Right On!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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