Monday, November 4, 2013

Bernie's Back, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Some of you on here, darlings, may not know, or recall, who this is, but let me tell you, at one time--almost 30 years ago, he was big news!

                                Berhanrd Goetz found his way into tabloid immortality when, on December 22, 1984, he open fried a gun at five teen thugs he thought were out to accost him.  Where it got dicey was that the thugs were of the type that today would wear hoodies, and talk of "da hood;" you know, what I mean!  But, let me tell you, it doesn't make a difference who attacks you, when you are the victim!  As I can tell you, from experience, as none of my attackers were from "da hood!"  One of Goetz' victims, Darrell Cabey, 19 at the time, was brain damaged and paralyzed, as a result of Goetz' retaliation.  The race of the attackers versus Goetz, and the damage done to Cabey, divided the city, at the time, and, to a large extent, still does.

                               Should Goetz really have been carrying a gun on the subway?  No!!!  Would those guys have gone after him, if he had not been????  You better believe it!  It is unfortunate Cabey was injured the way he was; Goetz should have exercised more caution, particularly as he had been known to make remarks about wanting to kill!

                                 New York was a rougher city three decades ago.  To think this took place, shortly after I moved here!  Things may be less rough now, but incidents still happen.  To this day, I feel what Goetz did was instinctually right!  I might have done the same thing.  His greatest mistakes were his outright arrogance, and, being a somewhat skilled marksman, not aiming in a more cautious way--that is, to stop them from advancing, but not killing or maiming!!!!

                                 As things do in this town, the incident passed into legend, and Bernhard Goetz was largely forgotten!!!!!  I was beginning to wonder if he still lived in New York!!!!!

                                  Well, guess what, darlings????????  He's back!  Wait till you hear this!

                                   Subway Bernie, now 65--he will turn 66 this coming Thursday--was busted in Union Square Park last Friday--All Saints Day, darlings!!! Can you believe it!!!--for allegedly selling pot to a female  undercover cop!!!!!!!!!

                                     Hey, Bernie, what gives??????  Do you just need a jolt of fame???????  Are you trying to be cool, going from being the Subway Vigilante to the Coot Who Smokes And Sells Weed???????
What is it with this guy, girls???????????????

                                     The portrait Goetz was anxious to paint of himself during his earlier days, was of a straight arrow, a Good Citizen!!!!  Guess things aren't what they seem, huh, Bern?????  Just goes to show--some of the straightest arrows out there can be the most crooked!!!! Believe me, I know!

                                    The Song Of Bernhard Goetz is no "Song Of Bernadette."  What will this guy do next, before he goes to the nursing home??????????

                                      Probably manufacture home made catheters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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