Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Did You Know, Darlings, That Yesterday Would Have Been Her 100th Birthday???????

                                           I am talking, of course, about Vivien Leigh, who went on to iconic status in not one, but two films, and winning Oscars for each!  Not many actresses can make that claim!

                                             The first was for her breathtaking portrayal of Scarlett O'Hara, in the 1939 film classic, "Gone With The Wind."  The second was for her heartrending interpretation of Blanche Du Bois, the tragic heroine, of Tennessee Williams' "A Streetcar Named Desire," in 1951!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Vivien's work was not that prolific, but when she worked--oh, boy!  She never gave a bad performance, though, of course, she never topped the aforementioned two!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 I am surprised the South has not made Vivien its unofficial representative of the region, or issued a stamp dedicated to her, for she did, indeed, in her defining film roles, show two sides of the South.   Many, including yours truly, were inspired, at an early age, by she as Scarlett, and while Blanche is a tragic figure, there is a majestic sweep to how she makes her final exit at the end, as if, in some way, to show up the boorish characters all around her, that she has been forced to live with.  As an actress acquaintance of mine said, in a way Blanche does win--she gets to be Queen of the Asylum!!!!!!!!!!!!  You better believe it, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Vivien Leigh was beautiful, brilliant, impassioned, the consummate actress. She went to school with another beauty--Mia Farrow's mother, Maureen O' Sullivan.  They were in convent school, together, darlings!!!!!!!!  During my convent days, I was the only celeb there!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   A pity the day went unrecognized yesterday. And a pity the Film Forum, Walter Reade, or such, could not have a special screening of GWTW  to honor her.  I would have been willing to pop in a DVD of it--a sacrilege, as I only see that film on the screen--in order to honor her!

                                                    Vivien Leigh may have been born a century ago. She won two Oscars, and a TONY Award (for the musical "Tovarich!" on Broadway, in 1963!!!!!  She has gone on to Immortality, but she will not be forgotten.  Her memories will be kept going for another 100 years!

                                                        Now, how about a GWTW screening, dolls?????????????????


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