Saturday, November 16, 2013

Happy Birthday To Another Musical Theater Week Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Can you believe, darlings, that Martha Plimpton, the reigning star of the hilarious TV sitcom, "Raising Hope," the perennial "HAIR" baby, and future Legend Of The Musical Stage, is today 43????????????  We should all look this good, at that age!!!!!!!!!!  I almost did, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       For Martha, the Sunshine will always be Let In, after being conceived during the Broadway run of "HAIR" by mother Shelley Plimpton (originator of "Frank Mills!!!!!!!") and Keith Carradine, heir to an acting dynasty!  Which now Martha is a part of!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I had heard about Martha since 1979!  Rumor has it the close-up shot of the little blonde haired girl in the Milos Forman film version of "HAIR," during the Central Park Be-In scene, was indeed Martha!!!!!!!!!!!!  And when I heard she was appearing at the Public Theatre, in Elizabeth Swados' "The Haggadah," I knew she was on a professional path!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      It was not until I saw her in "The Goonies," girls, I was aware of her talent!!!!!!!!
Which has grown and been consolidated over the years, on stage, TV, even the Delacorte Theatre, where, in "A Midsummer Night's Dream," she delivered the most spirited interpretation of Helena I have ever seen!!!!!!!!

                                       And there is still much to look forward to!  Several years back, when Martha outdid everyone in the Roundabout revival of "Pal Joey," stopping the show nightly, with her rendition of "Zip!," I knew musical theater was in her future!  How could it not be, when it was already in her blood????????   An opinion consolidated, the night I saw the show by overhearing two Theater Queens, predicting Martha would someday be the next Mama Rose!!!!!!!!!!  And, girls, you know I want to be there, for that!!!!!!!!!!

                                     So, Happy Birthday, Martha, and many more!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Did I ever look so young, in my Forties???????????  Honestly, dolls, I can't remember!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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