Monday, November 25, 2013

Imagine, Darlings! Being Murdered, By Some White Trash, Killer Clown Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Al Haney had to be the dumbest guy in the world!  Granted, the Viet Nam war, for which he had done honored work, had left its scars on him, emotionally, which is enough to feel sorry for him, but when he took up with, then married, Lynn Haney, someone should have reeled him in, but good.

                                    Al had this friend in college, named John Aggregator.  The spelling is, honestly, an approximation, as I could not find much beyond what I saw on ID, to provide information.

                                     John was something of a sad case, himself.  He and Al had been friends in college, but never kept in touch.  John became something of a success, building up his own company, and a suburban house, all his own.  For reasons left unexplained, he did not quite fit in with his family, so there was not much social contact.  His work was his Life, and the most people to see him at any one time were those who worked for him.

                                      John did have one outside interest, and eccentricity.  He loved collecting things having to do with old radios and recording devices.   And he was a hoarder.

                                      Unbeknownst to John, Lynn and Al were living nearby, down and out, in a struggling neighborhood. With Lynn goading him, Al went to John, asking him for a job. Al was glad to help his old friend, but he did not like Lynn, who was clearly trash from the start--fat, ugly, going for that long haired, Judy Collins look, when she was not physically or chronologically suited to it. She also drank, did drugs, and had a manipulation over men that is incomprehensible to me, as there was nothing the least bit attractive, visually or personally, about her. Oh, and she was loud mouthed, having ideas of being a clown, having gone to clown school, and, like serial killer John Gacy, often earning some money, by doing gigs at children's parties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          But this is one clown you do NOT want in your house! No, sir, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Lynn, her boyfriend Mark (who worked for the police!) and Tommy Oubilette, another piece of trash she was stringing along, concocted a way to murder John and get his money and house.  It was supposed to happen on July 4th, but it happened the week before.  They killed John, but bungled the whole thing, leaving his tied up body wrapped in his garage, where his beeper going off, gave him away!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Would you believe, after all this, after knowing about Lynn's men, Al went, and hired a defense lawyer for her?????   Someone needs to give him a reality check!!!!!  That Lynn and Tommy were locked up, but good!  I am not sure if Mark was, but he should have been!

                                               But Lynn as a female clown killer!  What a scary, and ugly, sight!

                                                Just look here, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Baby Lynn saw them pull that Big Top down, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. John Aegerter, Lynn Hajny, Tommy Douyette. Can't believe she only got 15 yrs.

  2. They got off with such a light sentence. Mark Finkin committed suicide shortly after John was murdered. The police never got to talk too him about his involvement.

  3. Suicide is sad no matter what! Idf Lynn is free today, I would say avoid her at all costs!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Saw this story again tonight. Unbelievable. Agree with your observations. Don't understand the power she has over these men. And her sentence was way too light.


  5. Yes, the sentence was light, but
    with her reputation, I do not think she
    is through with prison time, yet!!!!!!!!!

  6. Yep definitely no beauty queen but obviously able to wrap other toe rags around her fat, fumbling fingers. Hard to believe she had such power over the men within her grasp ? Maybe not, just take a look at the men and it's not so difficult to figure out after all. Sad, pathetic individuals easily led by an equally sad, pathetic Lyn Haney. Unbelievably what's even more sad and pathetic than this killer clown (pun intended) herself, is the damned sentence she got !! Heck did the bitch manage to get her manipulative man eating claws into the judge as well !!?? WTF. I just hope that some day karma will catch up with this toe rag of a human being. Amen


  7. Leo,

    You are definitely right about the men--
    they have to be pretty desperate and pathetic
    to get involved with Lyn Haney. Nothing
    to offer. Would do better in a lesbian bar!
