Tuesday, November 26, 2013

New Season Coming, Darlings, On "Wives With Knives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                            "Whenever they graced a neighborhood affair,
                                              We girls simply just had to stare.
                                               The most handsome couple, and beautiful wife.
                                               We all simply envied her perfect life.
                                                Everything a cut above the rest......
                                                Until the night Jennifer put a KNIFE in John's
                                                    ----"Wives With Knives" ad slogan

                               Now, tell me, honestly, girls, how many of you have been to functions like this?  If I had a dollar bill for every one I have been at, not only would I not have to work, I could be doing this, full time.
And maybe from more exciting places than where I am right now, like at a table, down at SPQR!!!!!!

                                We have all seen those picture perfect couples saunter into the room, like two cats who ate cream, licking their lips in contentment, a sure sign that things are not right at their own home, where they must be continuously going at each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   So, I cannot wait for the Friday season premiere of "Wives With Knives!"  Manhandled women doing dirt to the spouses that did them dirt, first.  But, I have to ask--isn't this just a little bit a form of reverse sexism??? I mean, if you had "Husbands With Knives," (and it happens, darlings!!) every feminist organization in the country would be down ID's throat!  So, why don't men counter react????
Is it that they just don't care?   Or aren't aware?  All of the above???????????

                                    I say equal rights for everyone.  If the hubbies can be offed, so can the wives!  I am not advocating this, mind, but come on, it has made for good drama, ever since "Gaslight."  Though Ingrid did show Charles a thing or two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Or how about "Gays With Knives," which mixes cutlery with murder?  Sure to be highly sophisticated, I can tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       But don't push me too far, loves!  I am not going anywhere near "Killer Lesbians!!!!!!!!"

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