Monday, November 25, 2013

These Two Annoy The Hell Out Of Me, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I know they are just commercial actors, girls, and, as one immersed in the arts world, I should be happy they are raking in such money, with this gig.  But I hate their personae, and their delivery.

                                 The husband's name, we learn, is Jack.  The wife's name is never learned, and I think there is a reason for that, because the actress is sharp looking and abrasive, like a shrewish bitch.  The first words out of her mouth are "The kids are on their own," which, from her delivery, means they tossed them out the door, to fend for themselves, once reaching the age of 18, so they could go on the road as some sort of Senior Citizen Bonnie And Clyde wannabes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   It wouldn't surprised me, if you followed this couple's cross country trailer spree, they ended up as perpetrators on Investigation Discovery. You can see  Jack is just an old horndog codger,so I could see him going on the road, luring young girls, while his wife, who, obviously thinks highly of herself as some cougar (but, come on!!!!!) is going to try and hunt down unsuspecting innocent, but hormonal, boys!!!!!!!!!

                                   Mark my words, darlings, these two are not to be trusted!!!!!!!  Which is why I am sick and tired of seeing this commercial aired!!!!!!  What kind of precedent does it set for this product? And what idiot cast these two, anyway?????  They are hardly the warm, elderly types needed, they are a couple of narcissists!!!!!!!!!

                                      Of course the actors are laughing all the way to the bank!  Well, enjoy it while you can, dolls!   Because the only work you will get after this are as selfish, shrewish, types!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Lately, when their commercial is aired, I hang up on them immediately--I switch channels, until it is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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