Monday, November 18, 2013

What TV Did Not Tell About This Sicko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Tom Bonney was the cliche of the Southern patriarch--Right Wing, morally over zealous, having to control everyone in his house, and, what with a wife and two daughters, that meant complete subjugation of women!

                                            This sick thing, now behind bars, murdered his own daughter, Kathy, just 19, and chaffing at the bit her father was forcing into her adolescent mouth.

                                              Like any adept teen, Kathy found ways to get around it.  She snuck out on dates, and trips to the mall, because her father was SO moral (Hah!!!!) he would not let her do this on her own!  She even had an affair with a married employee in her father's business.

                                              According to most accounts, her father was a moral nut, who thought his family should be pure and loving, like "The Waltons!"  Hey, Tom, I got news for you!  CBS censored an episode, that had been filmed, about Mary Ellen (Judy Norton-Taylor) getting her first period, and what about that "urban legend episode," where John Boy is caught, performing an unnatural act, behind the barn?????  And Will Geer, who played Grandpa, was gay!!!!! So, who are you kidding, Tom?

                                                Kathy was creative.  She wanted to be a writer, and she kept a diary, and other writings!!!!   Her only mistake was not keeping them under more lock and key!  If she had, her father never would have found them, and she would most likely be alive today, since, working a secretarial job, she had saved up enough money, so she could move out, and get her own place!  Smart girl!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Alas, sicko Daddy found this very explicit letter.  Whether it was written to her lover, John, or was just a piece of fiction she was working on, is not clear.  What is clear is that, on a dark night, November 21, 1987, near Chesapeake, Virginia, Kathy and Tom went for a ride to talk.  He  confronted her with the letter, she countered, and, before you know it, with his "Waltons" fantasy and authority shattered, he snapped, and shot her, 27 times!

                                                  What wasn't told was that I think, once he found the note, he planned to kill her, for control!  Kathy's younger sister had told police, she had awakened one night, to find her father standing over her in bed, with a knife!   And here is what I think needs to be explored!

                                                    Tom Bonney killed his daughter, and had he not been caught, would have found opportunity to kill his younger girl, because he was fighting repressed incestuous desires!  That is right!  Tom Bonney had the desires and instincts of a sexual predator.  His moral zealousness kept him from acting on them, but when confronted with the letter, indicating his own daughter had adult, sexual desires, (which are normal!!!!) he was confronted with his for his daughters, and so Kathy, and, eventually, her sister, would have to be eliminated!!!!

                                                      Kathy's death, tragic though it was, probably helped save her sister's life!
Because now Daddy cannot ever get at her again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        I don't know, girls, if Tom's wife stayed married to him, or threw him out, like the rotten garbage he was, as she should have!  "Stand By Your Man" is a great song by Tammy Wynette, but, at times like this, it is a load of crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          Rot in jail, Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. TV did tell, at least in the Investigaton Discovery program Swamp Murderers. Though it is a horrible crime he did and makes it most worse if it's your own daughter. I think the man was, and maybe still is, mentally very insane. He is alive because we still need to find out what kind of motives such a person must have in doing such horrible things. Rotting in hell is something I wishes to nobody. I experience hell sometimes, however I never commited a crime, but being death then is a better situation.


  2. Hennie,

    I know I saw this story on Id.
    I don't recall if it was "Swamp Murders,"
    or some other program.

    He was sick, no question. I don't
    know if studying him would prove
    beneficial. Some people are just wired
    for such evil from the get go.

    For what he did, I think the death
    penalty applies. I am sorry for what you
    have been through, but this guy gave up
    any chance he had, when he murdered his daughter.
    Thanks for sharing; drop in anytime!


  3. Everyone,

    Sounds like even the memory of this
    bitch spreads terror and fear! Keep
    her locked up!

  4. I have always thought incest was involved, or maybe he just tried, maybe he was standing over the other daughter bed with a knife trying to figure out how he can demand whatever he wanted and she startled him, ya never know, but I honestly think there was something sexual.

    1. If this guy had DID, that's from early childhood trauma. Most likely he was sexually molested as a child. It's not a huge leap to theorize that he was molesting his kid/s. It's the typical cycle of abuse.


  5. Unknown,
    I am in complete agreement
    with you. Thanks for sharing.

  6. This man DID NOT have mds! It's extremely rare and it was a cop out.Is he mentally ill? Probably but he knew what he was doing!He is a controlling disgusting man!Abusive and really didn't provide for his family at all.He was kinda a cult leader and I also think there was some sexual component going on and a bad childhood?I get it but he also gave the same thing to his kids!He doesn't give a f.

  7. Unknown,
    You are absolutely right,
    which is why no one should
    give a f*** about him!
