Saturday, November 16, 2013

When You Send A Boy To Do A Man's Job, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Bela Lugosi....Christopher Lee....even Franics Lederer!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Now--Jonathan Rhys Meyers???????????????

                                 The above trio of actors who played Dracula were MEN!  Sending in Rhys Meyers to do this job is like sending in a kid to fight the troops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I think what the producers are trying, unsuccessfully, to do here is go for the Anne Rice, Stepahanie Meyers, "Fifty Shades Of Grey gimmick by casting the vampire Count!  Gimme a break!  Meyers is like an overly boned college student desperate to have sex!  He plays Dracula that way, and he has pretty much played every role he has acted  that way.  Ever since he got away with, doing it, convincingly enough, in Woody Allen's "Match Point," he has been trading off of that for years.  And now, with "Dracula," the act is beginning to wear thin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Then there are his personality problems.  Meyers has a rep as an addict laden, violent, hot tempered lout; so much so, the producers of "Dracula" are withholding his salary, until they see evidence that Meyers has cleaned up his act enough to do their show!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I see this, darlings, as the last ditch effort of Meyers to have a career!  And now he is failing that!  Before you know it, he will be coasting along with Mamie Gummer's ex. Benjamin Walker, picking spuds out of ash cans on Hollywood Boulevard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   It takes a MAN, not some over hormoned BOY, to play Dracula!

                               And besides, when it comes to the one and only "Dracula" (Universal, 1931, of course!!!!!!!!!!!) everyone knows Dwight Frye, as Renfield, stole the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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