Monday, December 9, 2013

Admit It, Carrie!!!!!!!!!!!!! You Sucked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Darlings, I promised I was not going to talk about NBC's Live "Sound Of Music" on here.  For one thing, I did not watch it, because I refused to watch something which, to me, is a desecration of the 1965 Julie Andews movie (featuring Heather Menzies, Angela Cartwright, and those exotic Austrian locales!!!!!!!!!) classic, considered by yours truly, to be a Masterpiece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                When the production got the review it deserved from the New York Times, I laughed uproariously.  But, when Carrie Underwood herself started making remarks, I knew I had to weigh in.  After all, what the Times said could not be any worse than what I might say!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Now, I know actors are sensitive, when it comes to their performances being evaluated.  Even though, they should understand, by putting themselves before the critics and public, they place themselves in that position!!!!!!!!! So, what do they expect?

                                      Most of the time such things do not bother me. But Carrie Underwood really got to me with her outrageous, and, to a degree, hypocritical and sacrilegious comments, regarding those who detract her performance!!!!!!!!!!

                                        You know what she said of those detractors, darlings????  "Mean people need Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                          "Jesus?"  Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            This talentless nothing is egotistical enough to invoke God, when it comes to those who thought she was less than adequate in the role?  When it comes to hubris, this cannot be beat.

                                              Not that I would dare speak for Jesus, but I have heard no comments from He, Sister Camille D'Arienzo, or any Catholic organizations, regarding this "Sound Of Music."  When the Original opened on Broadway, in 1959, with the brilliant Mary Martin, it  received an award from a Catholic organization, and nuns and Catholics went crazy over the brilliant 1965 film.  I think it garnered some Catholic organization awards, too. And, of course, it won the Oscar for Best Picture Of 1965!

                                               There has not been a peep from anywhere in the Catholic community!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hasn't the Church had enough scandal and embarrassment???????????????

                                                I did manage to catch Audra singing "Climb Ev'ry Mountain, " and I have to admit, she nails it!  But, Carrie, oh my God!  She just looks at Audra, who is acting up a storm singing this song classic, like someone who has a chronic case of constipation!!!!!!!!!!  Julie and Mary could act!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Hang it up, Carrie!  Before you embarrass yourself further!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Eleanor Parker died today. Do you think it was the telecast??


  2. To quote the great Dorothy Parker, "I wouldn't be at all surprised."
