Thursday, December 19, 2013

And Again!!!!!!!!!! And Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    What  is it with these Family Annihilators???????  When I watched the story of Neal Jacobson last night on ID, I knew I had found this week's Bitch Of The Week.

                                      Neal is Florida's version of John List. He was riding high, for a time, during the boom years, as a real estate man and mortgage broker. Unfortunately, especially with the latter, he was not always on the up and up, and things caught up him. When the economy tanked, the business went, and Neal was facing, at the very least jail for mortgage fraud.

                                        Now, his wife, Franki, was no stay at home Florida tramp, like Casey Anthony. She was actually renowned in her field as a children's book writer and illustrator.

                                         What is sad about the whole thing is that she knew Neal was unraveling mentally--and so, I believe, was the marriage.  Her sisters offered help--to take her and the boys in, but Franki refused. So, what was Neal's solution  to all this???????????

                                            Kill his wife and twin boys. Which he did on July 23, 2010, which was actually the morning of what would have been the boys' seventh birthdays.  Franki fought Neal off, begging him not to hurt the children, and she got shot for her efforts. Then, he walked into each boys room--they were still sleeping--and shot them!  Then he took a big dose of Xanax, and tried to injure himself in a car accident, in a half hearted suicide attempt.  Too bad it did not work!

                                               What gets me about these guys is--if they want to off themselves, fine!!!!!!
But why take the spouse and children, who are innocent of anything, with them?  Because they are narcissistic!!!!!!!!  Because they don't see the family as individuals, but extensions of themselves. And because they have the calculated cold blooded guts to kill others, but not themselves.

                                                  There is no doubt what Neal did was premeditated.   Which is why he is now in prison, serving Life, without parole!!!!!!!!!!  Too bad he did not get the death sentence!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Unlike John List, there was no way he could go on the lam for 18 years. He was caught fairly soon, though I have no doubt if it had been possible, he would have done exactly what List did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       So, rot in jail, Neal, you Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        And may Franki and the boys bitch slap you for Eternity, in the Afterlife!!!!!!!!!!!

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