Sunday, December 1, 2013

Coming Down That Home Stretch, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 "Deep in December, it's nice to remember,
                                                  The fire of September that made us mellow."
                                                   --"The Fantasticks," Tom Jones and Harvey

                                           Well, girls, here we are, December!

                                            This has to be the most emotional of months.  There are the Holidays, of course, and all they bring!  But there is the fact that the year is ending, which means time to pause, to evaluate, to think about where one has gone during the past year, which soon will be History, and where
one is going, in the year ahead!

                                              Fast moving though it is, December is not an easy month to get through.

                                               Hard as it is to believe, thirty years ago, on this very day, I moved to New York.  To Bergen Place, in Bay Ridge, where I thought I would be, until hauled off to the nursing home!
And now, here it is, three decades later, and I am back in Bay Ridge, at a different address, and with someone beloved to me!!!!  Who could have known???????????

                                               As Theater Queens know, December 1 is when the story that is the musical "Mame," opens.  It is when Patrick Dennis (Frankie Michaels) and Agnes Gooch (the later, great Jane Connell!!!) walk out on stage, to sing "St. Bridget," which I will try to provide.

                                               December is a countdown to Christmas and Year's End!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Where am I going with all this, dolls?  I guess that December brings with it a mixture of positive and negative emotional energy.  In an effort to focus on the positive, I am going to
bring to you, each day, something that symbolizes, for me, this Season, each day.  Sort of a secular Advent Calendar!  And, since I am the Raving Queen, the selections will be far from conventional!

                                                     But you knew that already!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      And my apologies!   I could not find "St. Bridget!"

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