Sunday, December 1, 2013

Get A Load Of This, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Just the other day, darlings, I was ruminating on the upcoming book lists--specifically those from The New York Times, and no sooner did I post, than out comes their 100 Most Notable Books Of 2013 List.  I have some things to say, right now; you better believe it, dolls!!!!!!!!!  And it is from this fiction list that the the Ten Best  Books List Of 2013 will be published, I think, next Sunday.  So, of course, I will make my predictions.

                                 The first thing I want to say is, I am pissed!  Nowhere on the list appears "Night Film," by Marisha Pessl, which I am sticking by my guns, and saying is the Book Of The Year.  Even though I know now it will not be  on the Times Ten Beat List!!!!!!!!!

                                   Donna Tartt made it, and so did Jonathan Lethem, and Thomas Pynchon!!!!!
But Dave Eggers???? Every time he writes a book, it seems to get listed!!!!  He is getting to be the Philip Roth of his generation, but with a difference.  I may have my issues with Roth, but I would never refer to him as an overrated writer!  Roth has written several good works, along the way!  Eggers is overrated, and overbearing!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Then, there is Joyce Carol Oates!!!!!!!  Oh, my God!  When are you going to hang it up, Joyce???? And whom did you bribe on the Times, this time????  Though, to be fair, maybe Joyce did not have to bribe anyone there.  I mean, if "Doctor Sleep," by Stephen King, could make the list, then why not Joyce, since this is clear indication how low literary standards have dropped?????????????????????

                                    Now, as you know, the Ten Best list, includes five and five--five Fiction selections, and five Non-Fiction selections.  And within Fiction sometimes fall Poetry and Short Story collections!!!!!!!!!!

                                      So, what do I think will make the Fiction list?  Here it is, let's see how right I am!!!!

                                      Mind you, this is not necessarily what I think should be there, or want to be there!
I will discuss that difference, when the Actual Five is revealed.

                                          My predictions--

                                        1. The Luminaries, by Eleanor Catton-- I have  heard much about this epic tale of suspense and secrets, set in New Zealand.   It is sitting on my shelf, awaiting to be read.  If selected, I will cancel all plans to read it, letting you know, darlings, if it was worth it!

                                        2. The Circle, by Dave Eggers--Like I said, every time Eggers writes, he is listed.  I try to read the Ten Best in Fiction (five, really!!!) but if this is selected, I will refuse, once again.

                                        3. The Lowland, by Jhumpa Lahiri--Haunting, moving, beautifully written, character driven, and worthy of a place on the list.  I wouldn't mind, and I loved it, as I did all her previous books.  But I have heard a lot of talk about "The Son," by Philipp Meyer, so that may very well occupy this spot!  The good news, however, is that "& Sons," by David Gilbert, will go nowhere, since it did not even make the Notable List!!!!!!!!!!

                                        4. Tenth Of December, by George Saunders--I have not read it yet, but have heard much.  The most talked about short story collection of the year, so it qualifies for that division!!!  Let's see if it turns up!  I am anxious to read it!

                                        5. The Goldfinch, by Donna Tartt--  Come on, it's inevitable!  First, it is Donna Tartt!!!!!!!!!  And, even though flawed, even if it is not "The Secret History," who could keep readers as engaged, for 800 plus pages?????  Her lyricism, and  sense of literary reference, takes one's breath away!!!  And I am not so sure "The Secret History," as deserving as it was, made the Times Ten Best List for 1992!!!!!
So, in that case, it is time to honor Donna!!!!!

                                         There you have it!  See you for the Main List, may the best books win, and Happy Reading, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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