Friday, December 20, 2013

Have You Heard Anything More Preposterous, Darlings??????????????????????

                             As Pokey Prothero said, in Mary McCarthy's great novel, "The Group," "Who'd a thunk it?"  This is almost like "The Children's Hour" in reverse, but this school scandal does not involve a malevolent child, but a homophobic nut!!!!!!

                            That would be Gregory Kenney, pictured above.  In 2012 he was fired from Manhattan's Trinity School, and now he is filing a reverse discrimination suit.  He claims he was let go, because the school's athletic director, Pat Krieger, is a lesbian, and did not like him, because he was straight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That because he had a wife, family, and espoused traditional values, he was canned!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Excuse me????????????  This is a first, darlings!  I have never heard anything more preposterous.  I hope the 'SVU" writers are clacking away at their computers, because this would make one holy hoot of an episode.  How about a guest appearance by Jake Gyllenhaal as the Kenney stand in?????????  I know he would act up a storm!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           The first question I have is, how is Kenney so sure Krieger is a lesbian???  Has she talked about that aspect of her life openly to him????  Does she drive a U-Haul truck to school, each day??????  Is there any proof that she has read "Fifty Shades Of Grey?????"

                              The other part of this story is that Kenney allegedly sublet the apartment that was provided for him, by the school.  Hmmm...on a private school instructor's salary in Manhattan, where do you go that you can afford independent living????  He was also accused of leaving the boys he was responsible for alone and unsupervised, for vast stretches at a time!

                                Kenney says Krieger favored single women without children, and that he was excluded from school social functions because of his male heterosexual status.


                                   Kenney acts like he is the only heterosexual amidst the entire school faculty and staff!  Come on; he isn't!  Second, if he was a responsible coach, why would he be fired?  And firing him for being straight is preposterous, because, saying, for argument's sake, that it is true, where in hell is Krieger going to find a gay male coach????  Most of us, darlings, don't go into sports, and those who play non-professionally do so in gay-centric leagues, where they feel more comfortable!

                                   There is a genetic component, I believe, that links male heterosexuality and sports.  It is not testosterone, darlings, because, face it, honeys, gay men, especially the horny young ones, have plenty of that!

                                     Kenney's trumped up assertions are bogus.  I say, get your scrawny ass the hell outa New York and go  to the Midwest, South,. or Florida, where you will find some Right Wing enclave that will warmly welcome all your crackpot notions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Get off your case, Kenney!  I can just see the look on Aphrodite Jones' face, if she were to do a show on this!  And I am with her!

                                          I am glad the school seems to be supporting Krieger!  This is one Sister George, who will not be killed!

                                           The times, they have a' changed!!!!  Or, don't you know that, Kenney?????????


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