Friday, December 13, 2013

I Am Actually Frightened, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Could The Carrie Underwood "Sound Of Music" Be Like "The Ring" Videotape?????????????

                                          Think about it, girls!  Eleanor Parker may have  been 91, and no spring chicken, but her death occurred, within days of viewing the NBC "Sound Of Music" telecast!!!!!!!!!!!  What are the statistics, out there?  Have there been any non-celebrity demises, in the wake of the telecast???? I would like to know, because I think there have been!  In which case, this tripe is exactly like "The Ring" videotape--it kills those who watch it!!!!!!!!!

                                            And, to think, tomorrow night, NBC is going to re-broadcast it!  Just nine  days after the initial one; that has to be some kind of record, darlings!!!!!!  Why???? Is NBC, or  the American mass media, out to destroy its users??????  Or channel only those who will bow to the message?
Where is Marshall McLuhan, when he is needed??????????????

                                            Even my beloved Monsieur wants us to watch this, tomorrow evening!!!!!  Are we all doomed?????  I am telling you, Carrie Underwood is the instrument of the Right Wing conspiracy in this country, out to destroy all individuals, and free thinkers!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             I am urging all my girls--do not watch, tomorrow night!  Play bridge, go to a singles bar, drink, anything is better than death, at the hands of Carrie Underwood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Beware, darlings, I am telling you!  Otherwise, Carrie Underwood, like Samara in the movie "The Ring" (or Sadaku" in the Japanese "Ringu!!!!") will step out of the set and destroy you!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Save yourselves, darlings!!!!!!!!!!  While you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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