Sunday, December 22, 2013

I Don't Care What They Say, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Some think the Shortest Day Of The Year--which we have been building toward since June-- was yesterday, but the way I was taught, it is today, December 22!!!!!!!!!!  Which makes sense, because, six moths later, June 22, which is the Longest Day Of The Year, is Meryl Streep's birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!  I knew there was a touch of Divinity somewhere!

                                      And, of course, for the Shortest Day, you have to have the Longest Night!  Kiss, kiss, loves!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Then, slowly, the days start getting longer again.  I start feeling it around February and March.  More time to walk and be outdoors, loves, until that Summer Solstice of Meryl Streep!!!!!!!!!!

                                        So, cram in whatever you do, today, darlings, and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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