Sunday, December 22, 2013

Just Loads Of Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Darlings, after reading about the Holocaust, Jack The Ripper is a walk in the park!
                                      Maybe that is a bad choice of words, since all of his victims were  trollops out trolling, but let me tell you, it was easier to take than the extermination of six million Jews.

                                         Not that these five women deserved what they got.  Stephen Knight's book (which I have a feeling I read years before, since I read almost everything concerning this case) tells the story now familiar to millions from the movie "From Hell"--how the whole Jack The Ripper thing was a conspiracy led by Sir William Gull, Coachman John Netley, and, to a lesser extent, Walter Sickert (who may have been threatened) to cover up the fact, known by the five that were killed, that Prince Eddy married Annie Crook, a working class girl of low birth, who gave birth to a royal bastard, Alice, that could have toppled the British throne!!!!!!!!!

                                          The five victims killed--Polly Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes, and Mary Kelly; actually make that four, because Edddowes was murdered mistakenly, under the assumption she was Kelly, which lends credence to why the real Kelly was killed indoors, and her body so horribly disfigured, in that lurid photograph-- actually knew Crook, and there was a blackmail scheme afoot, so the ladies had to be eliminated.

                                           I am not sure I buy the whole thing, nor do I buy Patricia Cornwell's notion that Sickert himself was Jack The Ripper! The only thing that makes sense to me is that the women in question were specifically targeted.  As the book states, there were about 80,000 prostitutes in London at the time of the killings, so anyone who wanted to kill a prostitute just for the sake of her being one had their pick.  Why these five????  There had to be a specific reason!!!!!!!!!

                                            On that, I am firmly convinced!  As for the rest--it is entertaining speculation that makes for a compelling, fun read!  I doubt whether we will ever know the full truth about Jack The Ripper, even if it is, and may very well be, staring us in the face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               That Jack!  He just refuses to stop being written about!

                                                What a cut up, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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