Thursday, December 5, 2013

Lock This Bitch Up, For Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Yesterday, I happened to catch a rerun of the 'SVU" episode, "Home," first broadcast on February 17, 2004, right around the same time as "Mean."  This, I have to conclude, in retrospect, was during the really great period of this series' years, because we sure are not there now, as even the best of this season is not up to past episodes, such as these.

                                    "Home " is the one featuring a standout performance by Diane Venora, playing Marilyn Nesbitt.  Marilyn has been long overdue for Bitch Of The Week, so, this week, it is Marilyn's turn!!!!!!!  But, thanks to Diane, for delineating her so brilliantly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     "Home" starts out with Stabler and Benson finding young Jacob Nesbitt foraging among neighbors garbage cans, in order to eat food.   He is well dressed and groomed, so they cannot figure what is up.

                                         Turns out his mother is a paranoid nut!  Or became one, after she lost her husband, who sort of kept things in check.  But, tragically, one morning, he goes to a grocery store, is in the wrong place at the wrong time, and gets embroiled, and shot, during a holdup.  Whereupon, Marilyn loses it, and makes a series of mistakes in a misguided effort to protect her children.

                                             The first thing Marilyn does, is move the kids to Jersey, which she believes is safer than the city. Hey, Marilyn, ever hear of the John List murders?  Or Joseph Kallinger, and his 12-year-old son?????  There is plenty of trouble out in Jersey, let me tell you!

                                                She also home schools the children.  The schools, she says,  are unsafe, full of gangs and bullies, though it is OK if Marilyn bullies at home, to the point of abuse.   When Adam's second grade teacher gets a gander at him, and goes to report him to authorities, Marilyn flees back to the city  In Jersey, Marilyn used her maiden name; back in NYC, she goes back to Nesbitt.

                                                  While Stabler and Benson  are involved, it is clear Jacob is undernourished, and does not want to go home.  The next night, Stabler gets a call from Jacob (to whom he had given his card) but when they arrive at his home, they find the boy dead, apparently having shot himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    If you say "Hah,!" darlings, you are right!  What happened was that rotten bitch, Marilyn--common as dirt, by the way!!!!!!!!!-- found out ACS was going to come and get her kids. To her ACS kids get beaten and molested; she has indoctrinated older son Adam into believing the only safe place is with her. So, she tells him that she is going out, for alibi purposes, and while out, she wants him to shoot Jacob, and then himself, because they would both be better off  dead, than in foster care!!!!!!! Not with this mother, they wouldn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  No doubt who should be shot, or given the death penalty, here!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Tragically, Adam complies, shoots Jacob, but the gun conveniently jams, when he goes to shoot himself.  Good thing!  And Marilyn is going to let Adam take the rap, for what was her idea!  Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But, before she can, up turns Daniel, oldest child of Marilyn and her husband.

                                                          Daniel was the child for whom Mr. Nesbitt went to the store for, to get milk, the morning he was tragically killed. Marilyn, of course, blames him for her husband's death, and inflicts the full fury of her abuse upon him, which he takes, so the other boys will not suffer.  But, once he turns eighteen, he splits for the military, and who can blame him????????????????

                                                             He is appalled at what has happened, but has first to earn back his brother Adam's trust. He does, when Daniel shows a photo of him teaching Adam to ride a bike.  Adam now realizes what a liar his mother is, and testifies against her. It looks like Daniel will be his guardian.

                                                               You have to  see the ending, girls!!!!!!!!   Diane, as Marilyn goes mad, and is dragged off, screaming, "I am you mother!  I am the only one who will love you!  You are only safe with me!"

                                                                   Yeah, right!  Even Mrs. Bates saw that Norman got three squares a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                    At first, I thought Marilyn was based on the case of Catherine Rovera Pelzer, made famous in her son, Dave's book, "A Child Called IT," and one of the foremost Mothers From Hell!  Pelzer was mentally ill, and, I have always believed, was the basis for Charlotte Bayes, the abusive mother, in the "Cold Case" classic episode, "Churchgoing People."

                                                                    It has been suggested the episode was based on the case of Theresa Riggi, the Glasgow mother, who killed her children, and tried to take herself. However, that happened in August of 2010, and this episode was first aired on February 17, 2004.

                                                                      Maybe--just maybe--Theresa was influenced by this episode, but it could not have been based on her.

                                                                       Now, that Catherine Pelzer is something else again!

                                                                       As for Marilyn Nesbitt, the Bitch Of The Week, it is worth it to see her dragged off, screaming!  She will get her full comeuppance, you better believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                          Burn these witches, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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