Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Now, Here Is One Game I Did NOT Own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  "Hello, Muddah, Hello, Faddah!
                                                   Here's a game called Camp Granada!
                                                   All us children love it madly.
                                                   Manufactured by my uncle, Milton
                                                       --Allan Sherman, 1965

                                    As many on here might attest, I did own a lot of board games, in my time, but never "Camp Granada," which was created by Milton Bradley, in 1965, to capitalize on the popularity of parodist Allan Sherman's 1963 song, "Hello, Muddah, Hello Faddah," with a set of lyrics, set to Amilcare Ponchielli's "Dance Of The Hours."

                                     Sherman even rewrote the lyrics again, to go with an ad campaign for the game itself!   I don't know why I never owned it.  I loved Allan Sherman and his songs, the green box cover attracted me, and the idea drew my interest.  I guess I did not holler loud or long enough for this one, so I failed to purchase it.  Or get my parents to.

                                       Of course, now, of course, I am sure I could pick it up, on E-Bay!
  But, you know something, darlings?  As I found out, when I did just that, with "Pirate and Traveler," it just isn't the same!  Not having yet read "You Can't Go Home Again," by Thomas Wolfe, I can't attest to that, but I can to You Just Cannot Replay Childhood Board Games Again!!!!!!!  Something is lacking!   Or, maybe the so-called sophistication we now think we have as adults, curtails this pleasure for us.  In any event, if someone were to give me Camp Granada as a gift (not that I am suggesting, darlings!!!!!!!) I would never turn it down, but give it a whirl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       But will the magic still be there?????????????

                                       Only if, like Blanche, girls, you put a paper lantern, over that light bulb!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. That song was on a Sherman album called My Son The Nut. It featured Allan's face in a bunch of walnuts. I still remember sitting on Santa's lap,asking for it. And the look of surprise on Santa's face!
