Monday, December 16, 2013

One Of The Lesser Known Carol Classics That I Love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Hard to believe we have passed the month's halfway point, and not once, darlings, have I heard, anywhere, "Mary's Boy Child."  This is the song that has the tender refrain, "Hark, now hear the angels sing, a new king born today."  As a child, I used to think the first part of that line was the song's title, and I easily got it confused, then, with "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing!"

                                "Mary's Boy Child" goes back to 1956.  It was written by Jester Hairston, for a friend's birthday party.   He gave the song a calypso beat, because he knew many of the party guests would be West Indians!!!!!!!!  It was first performed, with new lyrics by Walter Schumann and his Schumann's Hollywood Choir.

                                  One of those to hear the choir's performance was Calypso King Of The Day, Harry Belafonte!!!!!!!!  He was so captivated, he recorded it in 1956,  So, I suppose you could consider this this the Original Recording!  This, and "Kingston Town," became his biggest hits!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   So, of course, the Original is what I will strive to include on here!

                                   What is wrong with music programmers today???? Don't they  know anything????
Anyway, here is this little known, but moving carol.  Enjoy, dolls!  It may be your only chance to hear it, this Season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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