Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Seasons Greetings, To Our Own, Beloved Cujo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               When I found this photo, girls, I was struck by the resemblance to Cujo, our "mascot" along 77th Street in Bay Ridge, who perches atop his terrace sometimes, and greets us sweetly, especially when called out to, affectionately!!!!!  

                                  Actually, you should see Cujo's house, now! It is currently the most stylishly decorated, on the block, and I am sure it was done to  his exact specifications!  I know who calls the shots at Cujo's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  One day, last week, I passed the house, and called out!  I heard a bark, from inside!  Cujo knows when those who love him are around!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    But who wouldn't love Cujo????????  Or want to do a Christmas card, with him????

                                    So, Season's Greetings, Cujo!  Hope to see you, during the Holidays!

                                    You are fast becoming one of the Raving Queen's rising stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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