Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Final Book Of 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I clocked in at 53 books this year, darlings; about one a week!  I know that is low for a high scorer like me, but, let me tell you, I wouldn't trade it for a higher one.  When you have a beloved Monsieur, and are like Joan Fontaine in "Rebecca," running a huge place like Manderly, and keeping out rif
raf  like Mrs. Danvers, a lower score is well worth it.

                                      Still, I am glad my Book Year went out on a high note, because "Americanah" is one book that deserves its spot on the Times' Ten Best Books Of 2013 List.  I loved Adichie's previous novel, "Half Of A Yellow Sun" and, after this, I look forward to the next.

                                       This book very nearly missed being a "keeper."  Miss Adichie telescopically compares and contrasts, over a generation, the life experiences of two secondary school friends, and potential lovers, Ifemelu and Obinze.  Ifemelu goes to America, becoming a journalist/blogger of some renown, while Obinze remains in his native country, doing the "right thing"--marriage, children, and staying there!!!!  Ifelmeu is by far the more fascinating character, and hers is the real story, as she examines America's attitudes toward race and race relations, saying a great deal about the social sensibility of how present day life is lived in our country.  This is where the book succeeds.

                                         Where it fails is with her gradual disenchantment with America, which was not clear to me, leading her to return to Nigeria in midlife, thinking she can just pick up with Obinze, like it is nobody's bushiness.  When his wife finds out, and reads him the riot act, I fully agreed with her!  I did not realize I was such a moralist, but her pleas for the maintenance of their marriage makes more sense than this belated, belabored post-adolescent relationship between  adults, who have not seen each other, in a generation.  And the resolution is unsatisfying.

                                            Which is why "Americanah" fails to completely satisfy, and so is not a "keeepr."  It is extremely well written, insightful in its observations, and consolidates Adichie's stature as a remarkable writer.  Don't let my judgements cloud your vision, girls; it is a book  well worth reading!

                                              That's it, for books this year, dolls!  Happy Reading Discoveries in 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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